Title (Release Year) | Composer | Performers | Issue |
Historic Records | ||||
Bury Me in the Tennessee Mountains (1930) | G. Rowell | A. Fields | Columbia: W150441 | |
I Get the Blues When It Rains (1928) | G. Rowell | Carl Haworth | Columbia: W146497 | |
If You See Marie (1940) | G. Rowell | V. Monroe | Victor: BS-051512 | |
Louise (1924) | G. Rowell | Harry Raderman's Dance Orchestra | Edison: 9613 | |
Lullaby Time (1925) | G. Rowell | G. Rowell Ford Rush |
Columbia: W140976 | |
Some of Your Sweetness (1940) | G. Rowell | Wayne King Orchestra | Victor: BS-053420 | |
as Performer | ||||
There's a Little White House on a Little Green Hill Where the Red Red Roses Grow (1926) | H. Akst | G. Rowell Ford Rush |
Columbia: W142991 | |
Won't You Come Over to My House? (1926) | E.A. van Alstyne | G. Rowell Ford Rush |
Columbia: W142407 | |
I'd Love to Call You My Sweetheart (1926) | P. Ash | G. Rowell Ford Rush |
Columbia: W142405 | |
Talking to the Moon (1926) | B. Baskette | G. Rowell Ford Rush |
Columbia: W141644 | |
I Made a Hit With Kit-Kit-Kitty (1925) | G.J. Bennett | G. Rowell Ford Rush |
Columbia: 140276 | |
When My Dreams Come True (1929) | I. Berlin | G. Rowell Ford Rush |
Columbia: W148397 | |
Baby Your Mother (1927) | J.A. Burke | G. Rowell Ford Rush |
Columbia: W144397 | |
Painting the Clouds With Sunshine (1929) | J.A. Burke | G. Rowell Ford Rush |
Columbia: W148687 | |
My Kid (1927) | I. Dash | G. Rowell Ford Rush |
Columbia: W144395 | |
S'posin' (1929) | P. Denniker | G. Rowell Ford Rush |
Columbia: W148686 | |
School Day Sweethearts (1926) | G. Edwards | G. Rowell Ford Rush |
Columbia: W142410 | |
Sleepy Head (1926) | J. Greer | G. Rowell Ford Rush |
Columbia: W141643 | |
I'll See You in My Dreams (1925) | I. Jones | G. Rowell Ford Rush |
Columbia: 140277 | |
Baby Feet Go Pitter Patter (1927) | G. Kahn | G. Rowell Ford Rush |
Columbia: W144399 | |
Little Girl a Little Boy a Little Moon, A (1927) | R.A. King | G. Rowell Ford Rush |
Columbia: W144398 | |
When I First Met Mary (1926) | G.A. Little | G. Rowell Ford Rush |
Columbia: W142990 | |
⇑Tell Me To-Night (1926) | L.J. Little | G. Rowell Ford Rush |
Columbia: W142985 | |
Pal of My Lonesome Hours (1926) | A. Lyman | G. Rowell Ford Rush |
Columbia: W142989 | |
Calling Me Home (1926) | J.V. Monaco | G. Rowell Ford Rush |
Columbia: W142412 | |
Valencia (1926) | J. Padilla | G. Rowell Ford Rush |
Columbia: W142403 | |
Mary Lou (1926) | J.R. Robinson | G. Rowell Ford Rush |
Columbia: W142404 | |
She's a New Kind of Old-Fashioned Girl (1929) | V. Rose | G. Rowell Ford Rush |
Columbia: W148401 | |
Lullaby Time (1925) | G. Rowell | G. Rowell Ford Rush |
Columbia: W140976 | |
When It's Springtime in the Rockies (1929) | R. Sauer | G. Rowell Ford Rush |
Columbia: W148395 | |
Tie Me to Your Apron Strings Again (1926) | L. Shay | G. Rowell Ford Rush |
Columbia: W141641 | |
Log Cabin Lullaby (1926) | C. de Voll | G. Rowell Ford Rush |
Columbia: W142986 | |
Along Miami Shore (1926) | H. Warren | G. Rowell Ford Rush |
Columbia: W142992 | |
Truly I Do (1926) | J. Williams | G. Rowell Ford Rush |
Columbia: W141646 |
Title | Composer | Attribution | Remarks |
There's a Little White House on a Little Green Hill Where the Red Red Roses Grow (1926) | Harry Akst | Billy Rose (words)
Glenn Rowell (perf.) Ford Rush (perf.) |
Won't You Come Over to My House? (1906) | Egbert A. van Alstyne | Hattie Williams (words)
Glenn Rowell (perf.) Ford Rush (perf.) |
I'd Love to Call You My Sweetheart (1926) | Paul Ash(w&m) | Joe Goodwin (co-author) Harry Harris (co-author) Larry Shay (co-author) Glenn Rowell (perf.) Ford Rush (perf.) |
Talking to the Moon (1926) | Billy Baskette | George A. Little (words)
Glenn Rowell (perf.) Ford Rush (perf.) |
I Made a Hit With Kit-Kit-Kitty (1925) | George John Bennett | Charles Tobias (words) Harry Tobias (words) Glenn Rowell (perf.) Ford Rush (perf.) |
When My Dreams Come True (1929) | Irving Berlin | Glenn Rowell (perf.) Ford Rush (perf.) |
Baby Your Mother (1927) | Joseph A. Burke | Andrew Donnelly (words) Dolly Morse (words) Glenn Rowell (perf.) Ford Rush (perf.) |
Painting the Clouds With Sunshine (1929) | Joseph A. Burke | Al Dubin (words)
Glenn Rowell (perf.) Ford Rush (perf.) |
My Kid (1924) | Irwin Dash | Jimmy McHugh (co-author) Al Dubin (words) Glenn Rowell (perf.) Ford Rush (perf.) |
S'posin' (1929) | Paul Denniker | Andy Razaf (words)
Glenn Rowell (perf.) Ford Rush (perf.) |
⇑School Day Sweethearts (1923) | Glen Edwards | Glenn Rowell (perf.) Ford Rush (perf.) |
Sleepy Head (1926) | Jessie Greer | Benny Davis (words)
Glenn Rowell (perf.) Ford Rush (perf.) |
I'll See You in My Dreams (1924) | Isham Jones | Gus Kahn (words)
Glenn Rowell (perf.) Ford Rush (perf.) |
Baby Feet Go Pitter Patter (1927) | Gus Kahn(w&m) | Glenn Rowell (perf.) Ford Rush (perf.) |
Little Girl a Little Boy a Little Moon (1927), A | Robert A. King(w&m) | Harry Warren (co-author)
Glenn Rowell (perf.) Ford Rush (perf.) |
When I First Met Mary (1926) | George A. Little(w&m) | Joe Verges (co-author) Larry Shay (co-author) Glenn Rowell (perf.) Ford Rush (perf.) |
Tell Me To-Night (1926) | Little Jack Little | Pierre Connor (words)
Glenn Rowell (perf.) Ford Rush (perf.) |
Pal of My Lonesome Hours (1926) | Abe Lyman | Walter Hirsch (words)
Glenn Rowell (perf.) Ford Rush (perf.) |
Calling Me Home (1926) | James V. Monaco | L. Wolfe Gilbert (words)
Glenn Rowell (perf.) Ford Rush (perf.) |
Valencia (1925) | José Padilla | Lucien Boyer (words) Jacques Charles (words) Glenn Rowell (perf.) Ford Rush (perf.) |
Mary Lou (1926) | J. Russel Robinson(w&m) | Abe Lyman (co-author) George Waggner (co-author) Glenn Rowell (perf.) Ford Rush (perf.) |
⇑She's a New Kind of Old-Fashioned Girl (1929) | Vincent Rose | Billy Rose (words)
Glenn Rowell (perf.) Ford Rush (perf.) |
When It's Springtime in the Rockies (1929) | Robert Sauer | Milt Taggart (co-author) Mary Hale Woolsey (words) Glenn Rowell (perf.) Ford Rush (perf.) |
Tie Me to Your Apron Strings Again (1925) | Larry Shay | Joe Goodwin (words)
Glenn Rowell (perf.) Ford Rush (perf.) |
Our Bungalow of Dreams (1927) | Joseph M. Verges | Tommie Malie (words) Charlie Newman (words) Glenn Rowell (perf.) Ford Rush (perf.) |
Log Cabin Lullaby (1926) | Cal de Voll | Glenn Rowell (perf.) Ford Rush (perf.) |
Along Miami Shore (1926) | Harry Warren | Walter Hirsch (words) Abe Olman (words) Glenn Rowell (perf.) Ford Rush (perf.) |
Truly I Do (1926) | Jess Williams | Lester M. Palmer (words)
Glenn Rowell (perf.) Ford Rush (perf.) |
Title | Year | Attribution | Remarks |
Louise | 1924 | Harry Raderman's Dance Orchestra (perf.) | |
Lullaby Time | 1925 | Ford Rush (co-author) Glenn Rowell (perf.) Ford Rush (perf.) |
I Get the Blues When It Rains | 1928 | Ford Rush (co-author) Maidie Weaver (co-author) Carl Haworth (perf.) Glenn Rowell (perf.) Ford Rush (perf.) |
Bury Me in the Tennessee Mountains | 1930 | Gene Carroll (co-author) Laren Skill (co-author) Arthur Fields (perf.) |
If You See Marie | 1940 | Gene Carroll (co-author) Glenn Rowell (co-author) Vaughn Monroe (perf.) |
Some of Your Sweetness | 1940 | Glenn Rowell (co-author) Al Vann (co-author) Wayne King Orchestra (perf.) |
Red Slipper Rag | 1965 |