Glenn Rowell  (-1965)
Last updated: 08.09.24
url15.gif Glenn Rowell Brief biography by  
url15.gif  DAHR: Glenn Rowel List of 95 historic recordings from 1924 to 1941.
  Title (Release Year) Composer Performers Issue
  Historic Records      
record15.gif Bury Me in the Tennessee Mountains (1930) G. Rowell A. Fields Columbia: W150441
record15.gif I Get the Blues When It Rains (1928) G. Rowell Carl Haworth Columbia: W146497
record15.gif If You See Marie (1940) G. Rowell V. Monroe Victor: BS-051512
recordmp3.gif Louise (1924) G. Rowell Harry Raderman's Dance Orchestra Edison: 9613
recordmp3.gif Lullaby Time (1925) G. Rowell G. Rowell
Ford Rush
Columbia: W140976
record15.gif Some of Your Sweetness (1940) G. Rowell Wayne King Orchestra Victor: BS-053420
  as Performer      
recordmp3.gif There's a Little White House on a Little Green Hill Where the Red Red Roses Grow (1926) H. Akst G. Rowell
Ford Rush
Columbia: W142991
recordmp3.gif Won't You Come Over to My House? (1926) E.A. van Alstyne G. Rowell
Ford Rush
Columbia: W142407
recordmp3.gif I'd Love to Call You My Sweetheart (1926) P. Ash G. Rowell
Ford Rush
Columbia: W142405
recordmp3.gif Talking to the Moon (1926) B. Baskette G. Rowell
Ford Rush
Columbia: W141644
recordmp3.gif I Made a Hit With Kit-Kit-Kitty (1925) G.J. Bennett G. Rowell
Ford Rush
Columbia: 140276
recordmp3.gif When My Dreams Come True (1929) I. Berlin G. Rowell
Ford Rush
Columbia: W148397
recordmp3.gif Baby Your Mother (1927) J.A. Burke G. Rowell
Ford Rush
Columbia: W144397
recordmp3.gif Painting the Clouds With Sunshine (1929) J.A. Burke G. Rowell
Ford Rush
Columbia: W148687
recordmp3.gif My Kid (1927) I. Dash G. Rowell
Ford Rush
Columbia: W144395
recordmp3.gif S'posin' (1929) P. Denniker G. Rowell
Ford Rush
Columbia: W148686
recordmp3.gif School Day Sweethearts (1926) G. Edwards G. Rowell
Ford Rush
Columbia: W142410
recordmp3.gif Sleepy Head (1926) J. Greer G. Rowell
Ford Rush
Columbia: W141643
recordmp3.gif I'll See You in My Dreams (1925) I. Jones G. Rowell
Ford Rush
Columbia: 140277
recordmp3.gif Baby Feet Go Pitter Patter (1927) G. Kahn G. Rowell
Ford Rush
Columbia: W144399
recordmp3.gif Little Girl a Little Boy a Little Moon, A (1927) R.A. King G. Rowell
Ford Rush
Columbia: W144398
recordmp3.gif When I First Met Mary (1926) G.A. Little G. Rowell
Ford Rush
Columbia: W142990
recordmp3.gif  Tell Me To-Night (1926) L.J. Little G. Rowell
Ford Rush
Columbia: W142985
recordmp3.gif Pal of My Lonesome Hours (1926) A. Lyman G. Rowell
Ford Rush
Columbia: W142989
recordmp3.gif Calling Me Home (1926) J.V. Monaco G. Rowell
Ford Rush
Columbia: W142412
recordmp3.gif Valencia (1926) J. Padilla G. Rowell
Ford Rush
Columbia: W142403
recordmp3.gif Mary Lou (1926) J.R. Robinson G. Rowell
Ford Rush
Columbia: W142404
recordmp3.gif She's a New Kind of Old-Fashioned Girl (1929) V. Rose G. Rowell
Ford Rush
Columbia: W148401
recordmp3.gif Lullaby Time (1925) G. Rowell G. Rowell
Ford Rush
Columbia: W140976
recordmp3.gif When It's Springtime in the Rockies (1929) R. Sauer G. Rowell
Ford Rush
Columbia: W148395
recordmp3.gif Tie Me to Your Apron Strings Again (1926) L. Shay G. Rowell
Ford Rush
Columbia: W141641
recordmp3.gif Log Cabin Lullaby (1926) C. de Voll G. Rowell
Ford Rush
Columbia: W142986
recordmp3.gif Along Miami Shore (1926) H. Warren G. Rowell
Ford Rush
Columbia: W142992
recordmp3.gif Truly I Do (1926) J. Williams G. Rowell
Ford Rush
Columbia: W141646
The peformer is featured on 30 sheet music/recording covers. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: (w&m) ER
     Title Composer Attribution Remarks
perf15.jpg There's a Little White House on a Little Green Hill Where the Red Red Roses Grow (1926) Harry Akst Billy Rose (words)
Glenn Rowell (perf.)
Ford Rush (perf.)
perf15.jpg Won't You Come Over to My House? (1906) Egbert A. van Alstyne Hattie Williams (words)
Glenn Rowell (perf.)
Ford Rush (perf.)
perf15.jpg I'd Love to Call You My Sweetheart (1926) Paul Ash(w&m) Joe Goodwin (co-author)
Harry Harris (co-author)
Larry Shay (co-author)
Glenn Rowell (perf.)
Ford Rush (perf.)
perf15.jpg Talking to the Moon (1926) Billy Baskette George A. Little (words)
Glenn Rowell (perf.)
Ford Rush (perf.)
perf15.jpg I Made a Hit With Kit-Kit-Kitty (1925) George John Bennett Charles Tobias (words)
Harry Tobias (words)
Glenn Rowell (perf.)
Ford Rush (perf.)
perf15.jpg When My Dreams Come True (1929) Irving Berlin Glenn Rowell (perf.)
Ford Rush (perf.)
perf15.jpg Baby Your Mother (1927) Joseph A. Burke Andrew Donnelly (words)
Dolly Morse (words)
Glenn Rowell (perf.)
Ford Rush (perf.)
perf15.jpg Painting the Clouds With Sunshine (1929) Joseph A. Burke Al Dubin (words)
Glenn Rowell (perf.)
Ford Rush (perf.)
perf15.jpg My Kid (1924) Irwin Dash Jimmy McHugh (co-author)
Al Dubin (words)
Glenn Rowell (perf.)
Ford Rush (perf.)
perf15.jpg S'posin' (1929) Paul Denniker Andy Razaf (words)
Glenn Rowell (perf.)
Ford Rush (perf.)
perf15.jpg  School Day Sweethearts (1923) Glen Edwards Glenn Rowell (perf.)
Ford Rush (perf.)
perf15.jpg Sleepy Head (1926) Jessie Greer Benny Davis (words)
Glenn Rowell (perf.)
Ford Rush (perf.)
perf15.jpg I'll See You in My Dreams (1924) Isham Jones Gus Kahn (words)
Glenn Rowell (perf.)
Ford Rush (perf.)
perf15.jpg Baby Feet Go Pitter Patter (1927) Gus Kahn(w&m) Glenn Rowell (perf.)
Ford Rush (perf.)
perf15.jpg Little Girl a Little Boy a Little Moon (1927), A Robert A. King(w&m) Harry Warren (co-author)
Glenn Rowell (perf.)
Ford Rush (perf.)
perf15.jpg When I First Met Mary (1926) George A. Little(w&m) Joe Verges (co-author)
Larry Shay (co-author)
Glenn Rowell (perf.)
Ford Rush (perf.)
perf15.jpg Tell Me To-Night (1926) Little Jack Little Pierre Connor (words)
Glenn Rowell (perf.)
Ford Rush (perf.)
perf15.jpg Pal of My Lonesome Hours (1926) Abe Lyman Walter Hirsch (words)
Glenn Rowell (perf.)
Ford Rush (perf.)
perf15.jpg Calling Me Home (1926) James V. Monaco L. Wolfe Gilbert (words)
Glenn Rowell (perf.)
Ford Rush (perf.)
perf15.jpg Valencia (1925) José Padilla Lucien Boyer (words)
Jacques Charles (words)
Glenn Rowell (perf.)
Ford Rush (perf.)
perf15.jpg Mary Lou (1926) J. Russel Robinson(w&m) Abe Lyman (co-author)
George Waggner (co-author)
Glenn Rowell (perf.)
Ford Rush (perf.)
perf15.jpg  She's a New Kind of Old-Fashioned Girl (1929) Vincent Rose Billy Rose (words)
Glenn Rowell (perf.)
Ford Rush (perf.)
perf15.jpg When It's Springtime in the Rockies (1929) Robert Sauer Milt Taggart (co-author)
Mary Hale Woolsey (words)
Glenn Rowell (perf.)
Ford Rush (perf.)
perf15.jpg Tie Me to Your Apron Strings Again (1925) Larry Shay Joe Goodwin (words)
Glenn Rowell (perf.)
Ford Rush (perf.)
perf15.jpg Our Bungalow of Dreams (1927) Joseph M. Verges Tommie Malie (words)
Charlie Newman (words)
Glenn Rowell (perf.)
Ford Rush (perf.)
perf15.jpg Log Cabin Lullaby (1926) Cal de Voll Glenn Rowell (perf.)
Ford Rush (perf.)
perf15.jpg Along Miami Shore (1926) Harry Warren Walter Hirsch (words)
Abe Olman (words)
Glenn Rowell (perf.)
Ford Rush (perf.)
perf15.jpg Truly I Do (1926) Jess Williams Lester M. Palmer (words)
Glenn Rowell (perf.)
Ford Rush (perf.)
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 7 works by Glenn Rowell (-1965). It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located.
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Louise 1924 Harry Raderman's Dance Orchestra (perf.)   recordmp3.gif
Lullaby Time 1925 Ford Rush (co-author)
Glenn Rowell (perf.)
Ford Rush (perf.)
I Get the Blues When It Rains 1928 Ford Rush (co-author)
Maidie Weaver (co-author)
Carl Haworth (perf.)
Glenn Rowell (perf.)
Ford Rush (perf.)
Bury Me in the Tennessee Mountains 1930 Gene Carroll (co-author)
Laren Skill (co-author)
Arthur Fields (perf.)
If You See Marie 1940 Gene Carroll (co-author)
Glenn Rowell (co-author)
Vaughn Monroe (perf.)
Some of Your Sweetness 1940 Glenn Rowell (co-author)
Al Vann (co-author)
Wayne King Orchestra (perf.)
Red Slipper Rag 1965  wvicon.gif