Last updated: 22.11.22
CD(s) [Amazon: flag15us.gif flag15es.gif ]
MP3 Album(s) [Amazon: flag15us.gif ]
Label: Danacord Records
  1. Something Doing (1903), Scott Joplin/Scott Hayden
  2. Felicity Rag (1911), Scott Joplin/Scott Hayden
  3. Fifty per Cent, Torsten Ratzkowski / Jan Thomsen
  4. Church Rag, Torsten Ratzkowski
  5. Black and White Rag (1908), George Botsford
  6. Happy hour Rag, Jan Thomsen
  7. The Nonpareil (1907), Scott Joplin
  8. The Entertainer (1902), Scott Joplin
  9. The Sycamore (1904), Scott Joplin
  10. Street Rag, Jan Thomsen
  11. Sunday morning Rag, Torsten Ratzkowski
  12. When your hair is like the snow, Scott Joplin
  13. The Fascinator (1903), James Sylvester Scott
  14. Haunting Rag (1911), Julius Lenzberg
  15. Heliotrope Bouquet (1907), Scott Joplin/ Louis Chauvin
  16. Alexandra's Rag, Jan Thomsen