Rapid Fire Ragtime
Last updated: 22.11.22
Label: Siggnal Sounds
Designation: CD 107A
Obtainable at: Siggnal Sounds
  1. Blood on the Keys, Bill Edwards
  2. Sweetness (1912), Fannie Bell Woods
  3. A Black Smoke (1902), Chas. L. Johnson
  4. Ragging the Scale, Edward B. Claypoole
  5. Dill Pickles (1906), Chas. L. Johnson
  6. Wild Cherries (1908), Ted Snyder
  7. Hungarian Rag (1913), Julius Lenzberg
  8. The Cannon Ball, Jos. C. Northup
  9. 12th Street Rag (1915), Euday Louis Bowman
  10. Russian Rag (1918), George Linus Cobb
  11. Pork and Beans (1913), Charles L. Roberts
  12. Black and White Rag (1908), George Botsford
  13. Car-Barlick-Acid (1903), Clarence C. Wiley
  14. The Charleston Rag, Eubie Blake
  15. The Entertainer's Rag (1910), Jay Roberts
  16. Hanon Rag, Bill Edwards
  17. The Grizzly Bear (1910), George Botsford
  18. Tiger Rag, ''Nick'' D.J. La Rocca