Sympathetic Jasper (1905)
A Drag Rag
Last updated: 28.01.22
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Composer: E.L. Catlin Suppliers: dbe15.gif
Editor: Geoff Grainger Quintet T/T/T/B/GB(B)
Publisher: Ditty Box Enterprises Publication: DBE 766
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Length: approx. 3¼ mins. Sounds best with the bass doubled.
John Stark came up with one of his best blurbs when describing Sympathetic Jasper. He wrote, "Chicago here throws its line into the stream with a bait for popular approval. Jasper is sympathetic all right, and as might be expected from a Chicago union musician, is also intelligent and snappy ... the name pipes its quality to a hair's breadth." The blurb further mentions that Sympathetic Jasper together with 5 other pieces and states, "These six pieces selected from thousands, and are the cream of late creations. Every pianist should have every one of them to be up to date with the best". The other 5 pieces are James Sylvester Scott's Frog Legs Rag (1906), Arthur Marshall's Kinklets (1906), Etilmon J. Stark's Kyrene (1903), Scott Joplin's The Chrysanthemum (1904) and Clarence H. St. John's Cole Smoak (1906).. These pieces would make an excellent ragtime programme.
Sympathetic Jasper was published by Stark Music Co, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
Tempi of 144 (C) and 80 (2/4) are suggested.
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  DBE MP3 Sample 
audiodbemp315.gif T/T/T/B/GB(B) Midi Ragtime Recorder Ens.
  Midi File(s) 
audiomidi15.gif Midi Sakae Watanabe