This photo of Carl Dolmetsch is inexpertly scanned from HMV 7EG 8858 mentioned below, the accredited photographer being R. & G. Madgwick. Carl Dolmetsch for me was Mr Recorder when I first started recorder-playing on H.M.S. Victorious in 1963. One of my first recorder tutors (unfortunately missing somewhere along the years) had a photo of him together with his children making up a sympathetic family quartet. My first descant recorder (also long reduced to firewood) was of course a Dolmetsch as were my first recorder music records which have all survived. They include:
- HMV 7EG 8858, Play it yourself No. 4, The descant recorder. Greensleeves to a Ground and "La Tubeuf" from Suite in G Major by L. de Caix d'Hervelois
- HMV 7EP 7105, Music for Recorder and Harpsichord. Sonata in F (Larghetto, Allegro, Siciliana, Allegro) for Treble Recorder and Harpsichord by George F. Handel and Movements from Partita No. 5 in E minor (Andante, Vivace, Siciliana, Vivace, Vivace) for Descant Recorder and Harpsichord by Georg Philipp Telemann
- HMV 7EP 7106, Music for Recorder and Harpsichord. Movements from Sonata in F (Amoroso, Menuet) by Gaetano Pugnani for Descant Recorder and Harpsichord and "La linote éfarouchée", "Le Rossignol Vainqueur" and "Le Rossignol en Amour" all by François Couperin for Sopranino Recorder and Harpsichord
In July, 2002, surfer Ken Stowers wrote, " ............ I met him [when I was] aged 9-yrs at Wigmore hall after a concert in about 1969. The meeting was very daunting
but now at 42-yrs of age I remember it to this day. He was a very pleasant person who shook my hand, spoke to me, and encouraged me to continue with the recorder. This I have done. In fact it also encouraged me to progress to other instruments and now enjoy at an amateur level, many orchestras and groups. ".
Thanks a lot Ken.
Websites: |
Carl F. Dolmetsch C.B.E. Hon D. Litt. F.T.C.L. F.L.C.M. |
A very complete and touching biography with interesting photos by Dr. Blood. |