The Jos. Morris Co.
Last updated: 03.09.24
Address: 160 N. 9th St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

The Jos. Morris Co. has 58 publications posted in these webpages. They include 1 item of piano sheet music at the Amazons and 57 items of sheet music in the Lists of Works (Werkverzeichnisse).
     Title Author Supplier
Piano Sheet Music:
sm15.gif When the Organ Played O'Promise Me A. Sherman flag15us.gif
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif Things in the Bottom Drawer (1901) Charles E. Baer Chas. C. Baer (words)
sm15.gif Lemon Drops (1910) Mike Bernard Mike Bernard (perf.)
Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Race Horse Rag (1911) Mike Bernard
sm15.gif When the Violets Whisper ''Marie'' (1906) Henrietta B. Blanke Arthur J Lamb (words)
sm15.gif Zangwill Waltzes (1899) Robert Cohn
sm15.gif Church on the Mountain (1909) Louis A. Drumheller
sm15.gif Dance of the Fairy Queen (1909) Louis A. Drumheller Louis A. Drumheller (words)
sm15.gif Echos of the Wild Woods (1904) Louis A. Drumheller
sm15.gif Love and Devotion (1907) Louis A. Drumheller
sm15.gif Love's Golden Star (1907) Louis A. Drumheller
sm15.gif Old Black Joe (1906) Louis A. Drumheller
sm15.gif Sweet Suspense (1907) Louis A. Drumheller
sm15.gif Where Memory Dwells (1909) Louis A. Drumheller
sm15.gif All Join in the Chorus (1910) Ed Edwards Arthur Longbrake (words)
sm15.gif Come Down and Pick Your Husband Out (1909) Ed Edwards Arthur Longbrake (words)
Vic Richards (perf.)
sm15.gif Cutey, Tell Me, Who Tied Your Tie? (1910) Ed Edwards Arthur Longbrake (words)
Lena Lu Quinne (perf.)
Quartette (perf.)
Agnes Finlay (perf.)
James A. Fleming (perf.)
Eddie Cassady (perf.)
sm15.gif Honey I Will Long For You (1910) Ed Edwards Arthur Longbrake (words)
Nellie Watson (perf.)
Frank C. Stanley (perf.)
Henry Burr (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif  I Am Longing For Tomorrow When I Think of Yesterday (1909) Ed Edwards Arthur Longbrake (words)
Eleanor Cameron (perf.)
William H. Gwinnutt (perf.)
sm15.gif Singing Bird (1909) Ed Edwards
sm15.gif Singing Bird - Song (1909) Ed Edwards Arthur Longbrake (words)
W.E. Browning (perf.)
sm15.gif Texas (1910) Ed Edwards Arthur Longbrake (words)
Esta Ara (perf.)
sm15.gif Hallowe'en Dance (1908) Hans Engelmann
sm15.gif Hawaii Op. 267 (1897) Hans Engelmann
sm15.gif Love Letter Waltzes Op. 228 (1897) Hans Engelmann
sm15.gif Robinson Crusoe (1903) Hans Engelmann
sm15.gif Fever's On (1906) George W. Fairman Arthur Longbrake (words)
sm15.gif Do It the Right Way (1911) Seymour Furth Will A. Heelan (words)
Fanny Brice (perf.)
sm15.gif Love Me, Phoebe, Love Me (1900) Adam Geibel Richard Henry Buck (words)
sm15.gif Mulberry Moon (1916) Frederick W. Hager C. M. Denison (words)
sm15.gif My Ramapoo (1910) Frederick W. Hager American Standard Orchestra (perf.)
sm15.gif My Ramapoo - Song (1910) Frederick W. Hager(w&m)
sm15.gif Sixty Miles an Hour (1910) Frederick W. Hager
sm15.gif Mountain Echoes (1903) J.C. Halls
sm15.gif Lady Chauffeur (1907), The Arthur Hauk
sm15.gif On the Bench 'neath the Old Willow Tree (1907) Silvio Hein Arthur Longbrake (words)
sm15.gif  Bunch of Keys (1907), A Stephen Knopf
sm15.gif American School and Long March (1915), The L.W. Lewis
sm15.gif Brother Noah Gave Out Checks For Rain (1907) Arthur Longbrake(w&m) Tom Lancaster (perf.)
W.E. Browning (perf.)
Ed Morton (perf.)
sm15.gif Nobody Knows Where John Brown Went (1909) Arthur Longbrake(w&m)
sm15.gif One - a - Strike (1908) Arthur Longbrake Arthur Longbrake (words)
Noodles Fagan (perf.)
sm15.gif Parson Jones' Three Reasons (1908) Arthur Longbrake(w&m)
sm15.gif Wrong Again (1908) Arthur Longbrake(w&m) Jas. Lyman (perf.)
sm15.gif You For Me When Your Wife's Away (1910) Arthur Longbrake(w&m)
sm15.gif Cavalleria Rustican Intermezzo (1907) Pietro Mascagni Pietro Mascagni (words)
sm15.gif Hearts or Diamonds (1899) Arthur McWatters
sm15.gif Sun Stroke Rag (1911), The Mitchell W. Meyers
sm15.gif All For You (1907) George A. Nichols Arthur Longbrake (words)
sm15.gif Red Circle (1916), The Abe Olman Ruth Roland (perf.)
sm15.gif Sea Weeds Rag (1910) Abe Olman
sm15.gif When the Sunshine in Your Heart Turns Night-Time Into Day (1908) A. Jackson Peabody Arthur Longbrake (words)
sm15.gif Cucumber Rag (1910) William C. Polla
sm15.gif Haymaker's Barn Dance (1908) William C. Polla
sm15.gif Missouri Rag (1907) William C. Polla
sm15.gif  Cupid's Serenade (1906) Allan J. Sanson
sm15.gif My Dixie Rose (1905) Johann C. Schmid Chas. E Baer (words)
sm15.gif Again (1904) Robert Morrison Stults Edwin M Abbott (words)
sm15.gif If Dreams Were Only True (1902) Robert Morrison Stults(w&m)