D. Davis & Co. Music Publishers
Last updated: 01.07.24
Address: Queen Victoria Markets, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

D. Davis & Co. Music Publishers has 55 publications posted in these webpages. They include 1 item of piano sheet music at the Amazons and 54 items of sheet music in the Lists of Works (Werkverzeichnisse).
     Title Author Supplier
Piano Sheet Music:
sm15.gif The Lambeth Walk N. Gay flag15uk.gif
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif Boys of Australia (1917c.) Harry Appel
sm15.gif They're on Their Way to Germany (1914) Irving Berlin(w&m) Isabell D'Armond (perf.)
Monte Wolff (perf.)
sm15.gif His Last Thoughts Were of You (1914) Raymond A. Browne
sm15.gif Black Mask Waltz (1954), The Michael Carr
sm15.gif I Love You Very Much, Madame (1934) Michael Carr(w&m) Fred Grundland (co-author)
sm15.gif Molly Doolan oo-lan-oo (1908) Owen Conduit Dick Stead (words)
Amy Blackie (perf.)
Harry Clay (perf.)
Frank Herberte (perf.)
Stead: (perf.)
sm15.gif Pent Up in a Penthouse (1938) Tommie Connor(w&m) Spencer Williams (co-author)
sm15.gif I'll Never Do It Again (19-?) J. Rennie Cormack Al. Dubin (words)
sm15.gif When the Autumn Leaves Were Falling (190-) Gussie Lord Davis John B Foley (words)
sm15.gif Will O' Wisp (1919) Malvin Franklin
sm15.gif Birthday of the Little Princess (1939) Noel Gay(w&m)
sm15.gif I'll Pray For You (1934) Noel Gay Joseph Geo Gilbert (co-author)
Roy King (words)
sm15.gif Lambeth Walk (1937), The Noel Gay(w&m) Douglas Furber (co-author)
Arthur Rose (co-author)
Lupino Lane (perf.)
George Graves (perf.)
Teddy St. Dennis (perf.)
Nat Gonella (perf.)
sm15.gif Love Makes the World Go Round (1938) Noel Gay(w&m) Jack Hylton (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh What a Wonderful Night We've Had Tonight (1940) Noel Gay(w&m) Ralph Butler (words)
sm15.gif When Alice Blue Gown Met Little Boy Blue (1946) Noel Gay Ralph Butler (words)
sm15.gif Kosusko Tango (n.d.) Billy Geller
sm15.gif  My Pal Is the Lamp Post (1910c-) Fred Godfrey John Nugent (words)
Alfred Glover (words)
sm15.gif Australia, I Love You (191-) Archie Gottler Edgar Leslie (words)
sm15.gif Letter That Never Reached Home (1916), The Archie Gottler Edgar Leslie (words)
Bernie Grossman (words)
George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
sm15.gif Out Where the Blue Begins (1923) Bert F. Grant George Graff (words)
Jimmy McHugh (words)
Kate Carney (perf.)
sm15.gif White Roses (1912) Sydney P. Harris
sm15.gif Cascade (19??), The Louis L. Howarde
sm15.gif Come Back to Erin (190?) Louis L. Howarde
sm15.gif Dance of the Skylarks (1909) Louis L. Howarde
sm15.gif Glide Along (?) Louis L. Howarde
sm15.gif Moonshine (192?) Louis L. Howarde
sm15.gif Pantomime Echoes (?) Louis L. Howarde
sm15.gif Put on the Uniform of Khaki (1914) Louis L. Howarde George Knowles (words)
sm15.gif Roses Divine (190?) Louis L. Howarde
sm15.gif Stolen Kisses (191?) Louis L. Howarde by L.L. Howarde1 (co-author)
sm15.gif Twinkling Eyes (190?) Louis L. Howarde
sm15.gif I Saw a Ship A-Sailing (1937) Jerome Jerome(w&m)
sm15.gif Bluebird (1916), The Clare Beecher Kummer
sm15.gif When the Bloom Is on the Clover (1906) Ward McAlister Ed. B. Melforte (words)
May Howard (perf.)
Harry Hart (perf.)
Stan Kerridge (perf.)
Myra Errington (perf.)
Frank Herbert (perf.)
sm15.gif  Sons of the Shamrock (1906) James Francis McHugh Dan Desmond (words)
Lucy Fraser (perf.)
sm15.gif Navy's Here (1940), The Ross Parker Hugh Charles (words)
sm15.gif Havana (1923) John Schonberger
sm15.gif Drummer Boy (191-) Joe Slater Amy Blackie (perf.)
sm15.gif Good-Bye Kathleen Mavourneen (191-) Joe Slater
sm15.gif Harp With the Broken Strings (19--), The Joe Slater F.S. Milwood (words)
sm15.gif I'd Like to Call You Sweetheart (19--) Joe Slater Stan Jerome (words)
sm15.gif I'll Be With You in the Springtime, Doris Dear (1914) Joe Slater(w&m)
sm15.gif I'm Going Back to My Old Bush Home (191-) Joe Slater
sm15.gif Like a Bird With a Broken Wing (190-) Joe Slater Amy Blackie (perf.)
sm15.gif Little Rustic Church Beside the Hill (191-), The Joe Slater
sm15.gif Man in the Signal Box (19--), The Joe Slater Nugent & O'Neil (words)
sm15.gif Night That She Played Her Last Part (191-), The Joe Slater Murphy & Brennan (words)
sm15.gif When It's Moonlight on the Silv'ry Rio Grande (1900) Joe Slater Amy Blackie (perf.)
Nita Clarke-Neete (perf.)
Lucy Fraser (perf.)
Vivie Keeling (perf.)
Ella Wellington (perf.)
Stella Ranger (perf.)
Eileen Boyd (perf.)
John Fuller (perf.)
James Rhodes (perf.)
sm15.gif When Your Golden Hair Is Grey (191-) Joe Slater John E. Nugent (words)
Amy Blackie (perf.)
sm15.gif Whisper My Name to Nell (19---) Joe Slater John E. Nugent (words)
sm15.gif Dance of the Curley Wigs (191?) Pauline Brutting Story
sm15.gif Telling It to the Daisies (1930) Harry Warren Joe Young (words)
Annette Hanshaw (perf.)
sm15.gif  Democracy (1900) Harry H. Zickel