Possum Rag (1907)
Last updated: 28.01.22
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Composer: G. Dobyns Suppliers: dbe15.gif
Editor: Geoff Grainger Sextet D/A/T/T/B/GB(B)
Publisher: Ditty Box Enterprises Publication: DBE 384
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Length: approx. 2¾ mins. Sounds best if the bass is doubled.
Possum Rag was respectfully dedicated to Mr F. E. Miles. This piece is a full hundred bars of ragtime mayhem. They do not get any more syncopated and they do not get anymore ragged! This recorder adaptation is rare in that every voice is fully occupied and meticulous tonguing and accuracy are musts to ensure an authentic performance. Its form is ABACDE with a 4-bar introduction in the recorder players' favourite keys having 4 and 5 flats. All-in-all a fantastic rag, a joy to listen to and to perorm.
Possum Rag was published by O.K. Houck Piano Co., Memphis, Tennessee, USA.
A tempo of 80 crotchets/min. is suggested.
  Instruments Performer
  DBE MP3 Sample 
audiodbemp315.gif D/A/T/T/B/GB(B) Midi Ragtime Recorder Ens.
  Midi File(s) 
audiomidi15.gif Midi Sakae Watanabe
     Performer CD Title Supplier
cd15.gif Richard Egan From the Land of Ragtime
cd15.gif Virginia Eskin Fluffy Ruffle Girls: Women in Ragtime flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif
cd15.gif Sue Keller Nola flag15us.gif flag15de.gif