Joseph Krolage Music Co.
Last updated: 07.03.23
Address: S.E. Corner Race and Arcade, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Joseph Krolage Music Co. has 15 publications posted in these webpages. They include 15 items of sheet music in the Lists of Works (Werkverzeichnisse).
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif Christmas Everywhere (1912) Joseph H. Bell(w&m)
sm15.gif Banjo Rag (1909), The E.K. Bennett
sm15.gif Can You Beat It (1911) Frederick Christeen
sm15.gif Dimples and Smiles (1913) Alfred H. Cooper
sm15.gif Growls (1911) Alfred H. Cooper
sm15.gif Cheese and Crackers (1909) Homer Denney
sm15.gif Ham Bones (1912) Homer Denney
sm15.gif Sammy's Wigglin' Dance (1912) Homer Denney Ed Wolfe Gilber (words)
sm15.gif Moving Rag (1912) Earl E. Edmonds
sm15.gif Hallelujah Rag (1912) Walter Esberger George Mann (words)
George Mann (perf.)
sm15.gif Caliope Rag (1911) Sylvester L. Hartlaub Charles L. Hartlaub (co-author)
sm15.gif Toodles (1916) Clarence M. Jones
sm15.gif Daffodils (1912) James E.C. Kelly
sm15.gif Louisiana Rag (1913) Harry Austin Tierney
sm15.gif Queen Rag (1911), The Floyd Willis