William V. Wallace (1812-1865)
Last updated: 15.03.25
  Title (Release Year) Co-Author(s) Performers Issue
cylinder15.gif Sweet Spirit, Hear My Prayer! (1914) Marie Narelle Edison Blue Amberol: 2450
cylinder15.gif Scenes That Are Brightest (1897) Roger Harding Columbia Phonograph Co.: 8835
cylinder15.gif There Is a Flower That Bloometh (1914) David Brazell
Hughes Macklin
Edison Blue Amberol: 23267
cylinder15.gif In Happy Moments (1908) Alan Turner Indestructible Record: 686
cylinder15.gif In Happy Moments (1899-1900) Al Sweet Edison Record: 7411
cylinder15.gif In Happy Moments (1913) Thomas Chalmers Edison Blue Amberol: 28184
cylinder15.gif In Happy Moments (1910) Stanley Kirkby Indestructible Record: 3151
cylinder15.gif Let Me Like a Soldier Fall (1913) Charles Hackett Edison Blue Amberol: 1724
cylinder15.gif Let Me Like a Soldier Fall (1906) George Alexander Columbia Phonograph Co.: 32957
cylinder15.gif Tis the Harp in the Air (1914) Elizabeth Spencer Edison Blue Amberol: 4995
cylinder15.gif Oh Maritana (1915) L. Katzman
S. Mantia
Edison Blue Amberol: 2642
cylinder15.gif  Scenes That Are Brightest (1902?) Charles D'Almaine Edison Gold Moulded Record: 7455
cylinder15.gif Sleeping I Dreamed Love (1898) John Yorke AtLee Columbia Graphophone Grand: 12615
cylinder15.gif Sweet Spirit, Hear My Prayer! (1907) Edison Venetian Trio Edison Gold Moulded Record: 9689
cylinder15.gif Sweet Spirit, Hear My Prayer! (1910) Wilfred Platt Indestructible Record: 3153
cylinder15.gif What Mystery, Why Thus Control (1919) Benjamin Klatzkin
S. Mantia
Edison Blue Amberol: 3717
cylinder15.gif Alas! Those Chimes Maritana (1914?) Ethel Toms Edison Blue Amberol: 23294
  Title (Release Year) Composer Performers Issue
recordmp3.gif Hear Me, Gentle Maritana (1913) W.V. Wallace Vernon Archibald Edison: 2368
recordmp3.gif In Happy Moments (1901) W.V. Wallace Addison Dashiell Madeira Victor: [Pre- B-]756
recordmp3.gif Maritana - In Turn, What Do You Say? (1913) W.V. Wallace Vernon Archibald
Marie De Kyser
Edison: 2471
recordmp3.gif Oh Maritana (1915) W.V. Wallace L. Katzman
S. Mantia
Edison: 3783
recordmp3.gif Sweet Spirit, Hear My Prayer! (1923) W.V. Wallace Merle Alcock Victor: B-27378
     Title Attribution Instruments Source Remarks
pdf15.gif Angler's Polka (1854), The W.V. Wallace (music) Piano Indiana wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Annie Dear, Good Bye (n.d.) W.V. Wallace (music)
Edward Fitzball (words)
Piano, Voice Indiana
pdf15.gif Annie Laurie (n.d.) W.V. Wallace (music) Piano, Voice Indiana Pub.
pdf15.gif Bring Me My Harp (1854) W.V. Wallace (music)
Edward Fitzball (words)
Piano, Voice Greer Pub.
pdf15.gif Flag of Our Union (1861) W.V. Wallace (music) Piano Greer Pub.
pdf15.gif Flora Valse Elegante (185-) W.V. Wallace (music) Piano IMSLP wvicon.gif

Grand Polka De Concert (1850) W.V. Wallace (w&m)
Rose Kennedy (perf.)
Piano, Voice
pdf15.gif  Holy Mother Guide His Footsteps (1858) W.V. Wallace (music) Piano Greer wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif I Mourn Thee But I Love No More : Companion to Why Do I Weep For Thee (1851) W.V. Wallace (music)
Desmond Ryan (words)
Piano, Voice Indiana Pub.
In Happy Moments (1860) W.V. Wallace (w&m)
Piano, Voice Greer
pdf15.gif Le Reve (1843) W.V. Wallace (music) Piano, Voice Indiana wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Midnight Waltz (1844) W.V. Wallace (music) Piano Indiana Pub.
pdf15.gif Rosebud Polka (1852) W.V. Wallace (music) Piano IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Scenes That Are Brightest (1846) W.V. Wallace (music)
Alfred Bunn (words)
Piano, Voice Greer wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Searcher of Hearts (1851) W.V. Wallace (music)
George Pope Morris (words)
Piano, Voice Indiana Pub.
pdf15.gif  Simania (1844) W.V. Wallace (music) Piano Greer wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Softly Ye Night Winds (1851) W.V. Wallace (music)
Mary E. Hewitt (words)
Piano, Voice Greer Pub.
pdf15.gif Sweet Spirit, Hear My Prayer! (1860) W.V. Wallace (music)
Edward Fitzball (words)
Piano, Voice Indiana Pub.
Tremolo Schottisch (1855) W.V. Wallace (music)
pdf15.gif Winds That Waft My Sighs to Thee (1856), The W.V. Wallace (music)
H.W. Challis (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Ye Banks and Braes (189-) W.V. Wallace (music) Piano IMSLP wvicon.gif
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 59 works by William Vincent Wallace (1812-1865). It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: pdf15.gif (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Walze Favorite Du Duc De Reichstadt 183-  wvicon.gif
Echo's Song 1835 Robert Stewart (words)  wvicon.gif
Le Reve 1843  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Midnight Waltz 1844  Pub. pdf15.gif
Simania 1844  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Alas! Those Chimes Maritana 1846 Ethel Toms (perf.)   cylinder15.gif
Gems of Maritana. Book 1 1846  wvicon.gif
Music From the Opera of Maritana 1846
Scenes That Are Brightest 1846 Alfred Bunn (words)
Charles D'Almaine (perf.)
Roger Harding (perf.)
 wvicon.gif pdf15.gif  cylinder15.gif cylinder15.gif
Gone Is the Calmness From My Heart 1847  Pub.
Flora Valse Elegante 185-  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Is That Devotion 185-  wvicon.gif
Grand Polka De Concert (w&m) 1850 Rose Kennedy (perf.)  wvicon.gif pdf15.gifpdf15.gif
Cradle Song 1851
I Mourn Thee But I Love No More : Companion to Why Do I Weep For Thee 1851 Desmond Ryan (words)  Pub. pdf15.gif
Searcher of Hearts 1851 George Pope Morris (words)  Pub. pdf15.gif
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Softly Ye Night Winds 1851 Mary E. Hewitt (words)  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Happy Birdling of the Forest 1852 Carlos D. Stewart (words)
Catherine Hayes (perf.)
Rondino on the Scotch Melody Bonnie Prince Charlie 1852  wvicon.gif
Rosebud Polka 1852  Pub. pdf15.gif
Angler's Polka, The 1854  Pub. pdf15.gif
Bring Me My Harp 1854 Edward Fitzball (words)  Pub. pdf15.gif
Tremolo Schottisch 1855  Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gif
Why Do I Weep For Thee? 1855  wvicon.gif
Winds That Waft My Sighs to Thee, The 1856 H.W. Challis (words)  Pub. pdf15.gif
Home, Sweet Home 1857
Holy Mother Guide His Footsteps 1858  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Bell-Ringer, The 1859 J. Oxenford (words)  wvicon.gif
Father's Love, A 186-  wvicon.gif
Sweet and Low Cradle Song 186- Alfred Tennyson (words)  wvicon.gif
In Happy Moments (w&m) 1860 Thomas Chalmers (perf.)
Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
Addison Dashiell Madeira (perf.)
Al Sweet (perf.)
Alan Turner (perf.)
 wvicon.gif pdf15.gifpdf15.gif  recordmp3.gif cylinder15.gif
 cylinder15.gif cylinder15.gif cylinder15.gif
Sweet Spirit, Hear My Prayer! 1860 Edward Fitzball (words)
Merle Alcock (perf.)
Edison Venetian Trio (perf.)
Marie Narelle (perf.)
Wilfred Platt (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif  recordmp3.gif cylinder15.gif cylinder15.gif
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Ballad From Wallace's New Opera the Amber Witch 1861
Flag of Our Union 1861 arr.: Charles Grobe  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Star of Love, The 1863  wvicon.gif
Love's Minstrel 1867  wvicon.gif
Tis the Harp in the Air 187- E. Fitzball (words)
Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
 wvicon.gif  cylinder15.gif
Of Fairy Wand Had I the Power 1875 E. Fitzball (words)  Pub.
Woman Our Angel 1880 E.W. Cole (words)  wvicon.gif
Yes! Let Me Like a Soldier Fall 1884  wvicon.gif
Let Me Like a Soldier Fall 1889 George Alexander (perf.)
Charles Hackett (perf.)
 wvicon.gif  cylinder15.gif cylinder15.gif
There Is a Flower That Bloometh 189- David Brazell (perf.)
Hughes Macklin (perf.)
 wvicon.gif  cylinder15.gif
Ye Banks and Braes 189-  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
False Friend, The 1890  wvicon.gif
Turn on Old Time 1891  wvicon.gif
Favourite Airs From Vincent Wallace's Maritana 1893  wvicon.gif
Sleeping I Dreamed Love 1898 John Yorke AtLee (perf.)   cylinder15.gif
Angels That Around Us Hover 19--  wvicon.gif
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Witches Dance 1905
To Happier Hours Our Thoughts Will Stray 191- Fenton Gray (words)  wvicon.gif
Hear Me, Gentle Maritana 1913 Edward Fitzball (words)
Vernon Archibald (perf.)
In Turn, What Do You Say? 1913 Edward Fitzball (words)
Vernon Archibald (perf.)
Marie De Kyser (perf.)
Oh Maritana 1915 Louis Katzman (perf.)
Simone Mantia (perf.)
  recordmp3.gif cylinder15.gif
What Mystery, Why Thus Control 1919 Benjamin Klatzkin (perf.)
Simone Mantia (perf.)
Lonesome For the One I Love 1921 Walter W. Wallace (words)  wvicon.gif
Maritana - In Turn, What Do You Say? ? Edward Fitzball (words)
Vernon Archibald (perf.)
Marie De Kyser (perf.)
Annie Dear, Good Bye n.d. Edward Fitzball (words)  pdf15.gif
Annie Laurie n.d.  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Only a Dream n.d. George Copper (words)
Della Fox (perf.)