Louis Katzman  (1890-1943)
Last updated: 27.12.23
url15.gif Louis Katzman Brief biography by discogs.com  
  Title (Release Year) Composer Performers Issue
cylinder15.gif What's This? (1919) L. Katzman Jazzarimba Orchestra Edison Blue Amberol: 3719
  as Performer      
cylinder15.gif Trompeter von Säkkingen (1915) V.E. Nessler L. Katzman Edison Blue Amberol: 2758
cylinder15.gif Oh Maritana (1915) W.V. Wallace L. Katzman
S. Mantia
Edison Blue Amberol: 2642
  Title (Release Year) Composer Performers Issue
record15.gif Bevo Blues (1919) L. Katzman Harry A. Yerkes Columbia: 78315
record15.gif Call of the Desert (1927) L. Katzman Alex Mason
Arthur Herbert
Neil Evans
Brunswick: E23999-E24001
record15.gif Cossack Love Song (1928) L. Katzman L. Katzman Brunswick: E28651
record15.gif Cuba risueña (1929) L. Katzman L. Katzman Brunswick: E29814
record15.gif Dame Amor (1927) L. Katzman José Santos
Pilar Arcos
Brunswick: E23464-E23465
record15.gif El vendedor (1930) L. Katzman Los Castilians Brunswick: E32853
record15.gif I'm Waltzing in Love With You (1927) L. Katzman Jack Stillman Edison: 11723
record15.gif Meanest Kind of Blues, The (1924) L. Katzman F. Henderson Columbia: 140138
record15.gif What's This? (1919) L. Katzman Jazzarimba Orchestra Edison: 6539
record15.gif Where the Volga Flows (1922) L. Katzman F. Westphal Columbia: 80293
record15.gif Where the Volga Flows (1922) L. Katzman R. Wiedoeft Brunswick: 8170-8172
  as Performer      
record15.gif Look at Those Eyes (1925) P. Baker Harry Reser
L. Katzman
Austin Wylie
Brunswick: 444W-448W;
record15.gif Jocelyn Berceuse (1921) B. Godard L. Katzman Edison: 7917
record15.gif We're Back Together Again (1925) J.V. Monaco Austin Wylie
Harry Reser
L. Katzman
Brunswick: 449W-452W
record15.gif Trompeter von Säkkingen (1915) V.E. Nessler L. Katzman Edison: 4159
record15.gif Sunshine of Your Smile, The (1920) L. Ray L. Katzman Edison: 7569
record15.gif Oh Maritana (1915) W.V. Wallace L. Katzman
S. Mantia
Edison: 3783
This list is arranged by composer and contains 6 works performed by Louis Katzman who is featured on sheet music covers. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: (w&m)
     Title Composer Attribution Remarks
perf15.jpg Look at Those Eyes (1925) Phil Baker(w&m) Sid. Silvers (co-author)
Louis Katzman (perf.)
Harry Reser (perf.)
Austin Wylie (perf.)
wvicon.gif record15.gif
perf15.jpg Jocelyn Berceuse (1896) Benjamin Godard(w&m) Mary Boyer (perf.)
Louis Katzman (perf.)
Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
wvicon.gif record15.gif
perf15.jpg We're Back Together Again (1925) James V. Monaco Sidney Clare (words)
Louis Katzman (perf.)
Harry Reser (perf.)
Austin Wylie (perf.)
perf15.jpg Trompeter von Säkkingen (1915) Victor E. Nessler Louis Katzman (perf.)  record15.gif cylinder15.gif
perf15.jpg Sunshine of Your Smile (1915), The Lilian Ray Leonard Cooke (words)
Louis Katzman (perf.)
wvicon.gif record15.gif
perf15.jpg Oh Maritana (1915) William Vincent Wallace Louis Katzman (perf.)
Simone Mantia (perf.)
 record15.gif cylinder15.gif
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 12 works by Louis Katzman (1890-1943). It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Bevo Blues 1919 Harry A. Yerkes (perf.)
What's This? 1919 Jazzarimba Orchestra (perf.)  wvicon.gif
Russian Love Song 1922
Where the Volga Flows 1922 Lee David (co-author)
Frank Westphal (perf.)
Rudy Wiedoeft (perf.)
Meanest Kind of Blues, The 1924 Fletcher Henderson (perf.)
Mystic Persian Winds 1926
Call of the Desert (w&m) 1927 Neil Evans (perf.)
Arthur Herbert (perf.)
Alex Mason (perf.)
Dame Amor 1927 Pilar Arcos (perf.)
José Santos (perf.)
I'm Waltzing In Love With You (w&m) 1927 Louis Tappe (co-author)
Jack Stillman (perf.)
Cossack Love Song 1928 Louis Katzman (perf.)   record15.gif
Cuba risueña 1929 Louis Katzman (perf.)   record15.gif
El vendedor 1930 Luis Medrano (co-author)
Los Castilians (perf.)