Sugar Blues
Last updated: 02.09.24
CD(s) [Amazon: flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15ca.gif ]
MP3 Album(s) [Amazon: flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif ]
Label: Past Perfect
Designation: #220333
Release Date: December 4, 2002
  1. You're the Picture (I'm the Frame)
  2. My Very Good Friend the Milkman
  3. Blue Because of You
  4. There's Going to Be the Devil to Pay
  5. 12th Street Rag (1915), Euday Louis Bowman
  6. There'll Be Some Changes Made
  7. Somebody Stole My Gal
  8. Sweet Sue, Just You
  9. Truckin'
  10. Sugar Blues, Clarence Williams
  11. Just as Long as the World Goes Round and Round
  12. Georgia Rockin' Chair
  13. Brother, Seek and Ye Shall Find
  14. Girl I Left Behind Me
  15. You're So Darn Charming, Harold Spina/Johnny Burke
  16. Woe! Is Me
  17. Rhythm and Romance
  18. Loafin' Time
  19. (Do You Intend to Put an End To) A Sweet Beginning Like This
  20. Got a Bran' New Suit
  21. I'm on a See-Saw
  22. Thief in the Night