June Allyson (1917-2006)
Last updated: 12.03.25
url15.gif June Allyson Biography by wikipedia.org.  

     Title Attribution Instruments Source Remarks
pdf15.gif Sweet and Lovely (1931) G. Arnheim (w&m)
H. Tobias (coauth.)
Jules Lemare (coauth.)
Gracie Allen (perf.)
June Allyson (perf.)
Xavier Cugat (perf.)
Gloria DeHaven (perf.)
Jimmy Durante (perf.)
Lena Horne (perf.)
Jose Iturbi (perf.)
H. James (perf.)
Van Johnson (perf.)
Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Till the Clouds Roll By (1917) J. Kern (music)
P.G. Wodehouse (words)
Guy Bolton (words)
June Allyson (perf.)
Lucille Bremer (perf.)
Judy Garland (perf.)
Kathryn Grayson (perf.)
Van Heflin (perf.)
Lena Horne (perf.)
Van Johnson (perf.)
Angela Lansbury (perf.)
Tony Martin (perf.)
Virginia O'Brien (perf.)
Dinah Shore (perf.)
Frank Sinatra (perf.)
Robert Walker (perf.)
Piano, Voice Indiana wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Blue Room (1926), The R. Rodgers (music)
Lorenz Hart (words)
June Allyson (perf.)
Perry Como (perf.)
Judy Garland (perf.)
Lena Horne (perf.)
Gene Kelly (perf.)
Mickey Rooney (perf.)
Ann Sothern (perf.)
Piano Sheet Music Singer wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Honey (1928) S.B. Simons (w&m)
H. Gillespie (coauth.)
Richard A. Whiting (coauth.)
Hedy Lamarr (perf.)
Robert Walker (perf.)
June Allyson (perf.)
Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Basin Street Blues - Song (1928) S. Williams (w&m)
James Stewart (perf.)
June Allyson (perf.)
Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer wvicon.gif
The peformer is featured on 12 sheet music/recording covers. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: (w&m) ER
     Title Composer Attribution Items
perf15.jpg Sweet and Lovely (1931) Gus Arnheim(w&m) Harry Tobias (co-author)
Jules Lemare (co-author)
Gracie Allen (perf.)
June Allyson (perf.)
Xavier Cugat (perf.)
Gloria DeHaven (perf.)
Jimmy Durante (perf.)
Lena Horne (perf.)
Jose Iturbi (perf.)
Harry James (perf.)
Van Johnson (perf.)
perf15.jpg Best Things in Life Are Free (1927), The Buddy Gard DeSylva(w&m) Lew Brown (co-author)
Ray Henderson (co-author)
June Allyson (perf.)
Peter Lawford (perf.)
Patricia Marshall (perf.)
Joan McCracken (perf.)
Ray McDonald (perf.)
Mel Torme (perf.)
perf15.jpg Lucky in Love (1927) Buddy Gard DeSylva(w&m) Lew Brown (co-author)
Ray Henderson (co-author)
June Allyson (perf.)
Peter Lawford (perf.)
Patricia Marshall (perf.)
Joan McCracken (perf.)
Ray McDonald (perf.)
Mel Torme (perf.)
perf15.jpg Varsity Drag (1927) Buddy Gard DeSylva(w&m) Lew Brown (co-author)
Ray Henderson (co-author)
June Allyson (perf.)
Peter Lawford (perf.)
Patricia Marshall (perf.)
Joan McCracken (perf.)
Ray McDonald (perf.)
Mel Torme (perf.)
perf15.jpg Pass That Peace Pipe (1947) Roger Edens(w&m) Hugh Martin (co-author)
Ralph Blane (co-author)
June Allyson (perf.)
Peter Lawford (perf.)
Patricia Marshall (perf.)
Joan McCracken (perf.)
Ray McDonald (perf.)
Mel Torme (perf.)
perf15.jpg Till the Clouds Roll By (1917) Jerome Kern P.G. Wodehouse (words)
Guy Bolton (words)
June Allyson (perf.)
Lucille Bremer (perf.)
Judy Garland (perf.)
Kathryn Grayson (perf.)
Van Heflin (perf.)
Lena Horne (perf.)
Van Johnson (perf.)
Angela Lansbury (perf.)
Tony Martin (perf.)
Virginia O'Brien (perf.)
Dinah Shore (perf.)
Frank Sinatra (perf.)
Robert Walker (perf.)
perf15.jpg Take It Easy (1943) Vic Mizzy(w&m) Albert De Bru (co-author)
Irving Taylor (co-author)
June Allyson (perf.)
Xavier Cugat (perf.)
Gloria DeHaven (perf.)
Harry James (perf.)
Van Johnson (perf.)
perf15.jpg Blue Room (1926), The Richard Rodgers Lorenz Hart (words)
June Allyson (perf.)
perf15.jpg Blue Moon (1934) Richard Rodgers Lorenz Hart (words)
June Allyson (perf.)
Perry Como (perf.)
Judy Garland (perf.)
Lena Horne (perf.)
Gene Kelly (perf.)
Mickey Rooney (perf.)
Ann Sothern (perf.)
perf15.jpg Honey (1928) Seymour B. Simons(w&m) Haven Gillespie (co-author)
Richard A. Whiting (co-author)
June Allyson (perf.)
Hedy Lamarr (perf.)
Robert Walker (perf.)
perf15.jpg  Basin Street Blues - Song (1928) Spencer Williams(w&m) June Allyson (perf.)
perf15.jpg Air Force Takes Command (1954) Victor Young Tommy Thomson Jr. (words)
Ned Washington (words)
June Allyson (perf.)
James Stewart (perf.)