Bremen Recorder Touring Company
Last updated: 03.10.20
rpbrtc.jpgThe Bremen Recorder Touring Company was called into being by advertisements in the local press in April 2000. In keeping with its name, the company intended to carry out annual concert tours. The company made its debut at a private ceilidh in the KITO, Bremen Vegesack on 18th June 2000.
Its first major tour was to New Zealand/Singapore/Malaysia in May 2001. After a tour to Berkshire and Yorkshire in the same year and a few workshops in 2002-2003, the company made its final public performance with 11 members at Ceilidh 2003.
url15.gif Bremen Recorder Touring Company Homepage with brief biography, discography and MP3 samples.  

     Title Remarks Supplier
cd15.gif  Farewell Recital, BRTC   dbe15.gif
cd15.gif  Recorder Ceilidh 2000, BRTC   dbe15.gif
cd15.gif  Recorder Recital at St. Mathews   dbe15.gif