Jin-Ju Baek
Last updated: 11.04.21
rpbaekjj.jpgAccording to the Internet source given below, Jin-Ju Baek is a Korean recorder player. She studied piano and recorder and is a laureate at various Korean solo recorder competitions, where she was discovered by Christian Seher, high school lecturer for recorder, Subsequently she was invited to Germany.starting her studies at the Hochschule für Künste Bremen in 2004..
She gives recorder lessons in her home country every year and is a juror at the Academie competition in Seoul. She has assisted Han Tol regularly at master classes and concerts in Korea since 2008. In spring 2012 she received her master diploma recorder at the University of Music and Theater Hamburg studying under Peter Holtslag.
She is a member of Boreas Quartet Bremen.
Photo courtesy Boreas Quartet Bremen.
     Title Remarks Supplier
cd15.gif Works for Recorder Consort with
Elisabeth Champollion,
Julia Fritz,
Luise Manske
Han Tol
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