Last updated: 03.05.23
Address: San Francisco, California, USA

Examiner has 8 publications posted in these webpages. They include 8 items of sheet music in the Lists of Works (Werkverzeichnisse).
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif Nobody Sees Us But the Man in the Moon (1900) James Timothy Brymn Phil E Collins (words)
Frank Cushman (words)
sm15.gif Surcease of Sorrow (1899) Jessie Bartlett Davis(w&m) Eugene E Schmitz (words)
sm15.gif El Libertador (1897) F. Fanciulli
sm15.gif At Maximes (1908) Ferencz Lehár
sm15.gif My Dusky Queen, Good Night (1897) James B. Oliver Jack Fay (words)
P.D. Landes (perf.)
sm15.gif I Don't Know How to Tell Yer How I Lubs Yer! (1897) Bennett Scott(w&m) Marie Lloyd (perf.)
Koster &. Bials (perf.)
sm15.gif Love by Proxy (1904) Alfred Baldwin Sloane John Kendrick Bangs (words)
Roderic C Penfield (words)
sm15.gif Music of the Drum (1900), The Unknown Unknown (words)
Alexandra Dagmar (perf.)