Worton David Ltd.
Last updated: 05.09.23
Address: 6 New Compton St., Charing Cross Road, London W.C.2, England

Worton David Ltd. has 17 publications posted in these webpages. They include 5 items of piano sheet music at the Amazons and 12 items of sheet music in the Lists of Works (Werkverzeichnisse).
     Title Author Supplier
Piano Sheet Music:
sm15.gif Hello, Hello, Who's Your Lady Friend? W. David flag15us.gif
sm15.gif I Do Like a S'nice, S'mince Pie W. David flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif A Rose in a Garden of Weeds F.J. Dickson flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif A Rose in a Garden of Weeds F.J. Dickson flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif There's a Tramp,Tramp, Tramp Upon the Highway L. Shirley flag15uk.gif
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif Caravan (?) Worton David
sm15.gif Golden Dreamboat (1922) Worton David
sm15.gif Hello, Hello, Who's Your Lady Friend? (1913) Worton David Harry Fragson (words)
Bert Lee (words)
sm15.gif Hold Your Hand Out, Naughty Boy (1914) Worton David C.W. Murphy (words)
Glen Ellison (perf.)
Florrie Forde (perf.)
sm15.gif I Do Like a S'nice, S'mince Pie (1914) Worton David Bert Lee (co-author)
Jay Laurier (perf.)
sm15.gif Wyoming Lullaby (?) Worton David
sm15.gif Rose in a Garden of Weeds (1924), A Francis John Dickson Worton David (co-author)
Betty Compson (perf.)
Bertha Wilmott (perf.)
sm15.gif There's a Tramp,Tramp, Tramp Upon the Highway (1918) Lilian Shirley David Worton (words)
sm15.gif Heart of a Rose (1918), The Lawrence Wright Worton David (words)
sm15.gif Memory of a Song (1921), The Lawrence Wright Worton David (words)
sm15.gif Sheba (1923) Lawrence Wright Worton David (words)
sm15.gif That Old Fashioned Mother of Mine (1919) Lawrence Wright Worton David (words)