Frank Aylmer 
Last updated: 01.07.20
This list is arranged by title and contains 1 lyric written by Frank Aylmer. The lyrics/monologues and *.pdf files have been kindly compiled by
     Title Attribution Remarks
url15.gif He's in the Asylum Now Edmund Forman (words)
Tom Costello (sung by)
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 14 works by Frank Aylmer. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located.
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Obedient Miss, An 1883 W. Pink (words)
A B Court (words)
James Fawn (sung by)
Hurrah For the Ribbon of Yellow! 1883 W. Pink (words)
E Jonghmans (words)
H C Maguire (words)
James Fawn (sung by)
Mcgilligan's Wedding 1887 W. Pink (words)
G. W. Hunter (sung by)
Dream of the Albert Hall, A 1887 W. Pink (words)
James Fawn (sung by)
Very Different Place, A 1888 W. Pink (words)
G. H. Macdermott (sung by)
Gone For Ever 1888 W. Pink (words)
Angelo A Asher (words)
Tom Gannon (sung by)
Willing Chap, The 1888 W. Pink (words)
George Ison (words)
G. H. Macdermott (sung by)
I Was on It 1889 W. Pink (words)
Edmund Forman (words)
W. F. Moss (sung by)
He's in the Asylum Now 1889 Edmund Forman (words)
Tom Costello (sung by)
That's When You Feel All Right 1889 W. Pink (words)
J B Preston (words)
Edmund Forman (words)
Charles E. Stevens (sung by)
Play's the Thing" For Us, The 1889 W. Pink (words)
James Fawn (sung by)
Three Individuals 1890 W. Pink (words)  wvicon.gif
Tobogganing 1891 J.S. Baker (words)
Harry Randall (sung by)
Our Village 1894 W. Pink (words)
Edmund Forman (words)
Harry Randall (sung by)