Teach Yourself the Recorder
Last updated: 17.12.19
Printed: |
1978 |
Author: |
Stephen F Goodyear |
Publisher: |
Hodder and Stoughton |
0679124276 |
Copyright: |
Goodyear 1978 |
Suppliers: |
Paperback, usually ships within 4-6 weeks.
Publishers blurb: "In many ways the recorder is the ideal instrument to teach yourself. Enjoyable results can be achieved relaitively quickly and there is a large repertoire of music written for the recorder whether played alone or in consort.
This book is a guide to the beginner but also a reference book to keep by you and consult whenever difficulties arise, whatever stage you are at. It has been designed to fulfil the role of a teacher and covers all those points about playing the instrument which needs to be mastered in order to get the most out of it.
Topics covered include: choice and care of the instrument, fingering, tonguing, how to practise, phrasing and repertoire. Particularly useful are the central sections giving tables of alternative and trill fingerings and technical exercises.
Throughout, all material is given in a form suitable for both C recorders (descant and tenor) and F recorders (sopranino, treble and bass)."
Personal remarks:
Though a little long in years, this paper-back has a lot of really useful advice which I can vouch for to whit:
a) The author, Stephen Goodyear is a champion of the plastic recorder, and
b) I love his advice in the chapter
"The Care of Your Recorder" where he states, "The greatest risk to a recorder is of being sat on or stood on." How true, I say. Tres vrai!