The Sheet Music Reference & Price Guide
Last updated: 17.12.19
Printed: |
1995 |
Author: |
Anna Marie Guiheen, Marie-Reine A. Pafik |
Publisher: |
Collector Books |
Suppliers: |
Paperback: 320 pages
Amazon Review
This 320 page volume contains over 13,000 listings of sheet music! There are over 300 full color pictures of sheet music covers and prices updated for the year 2,000. In addition to the alphabetical listing of songs and current prices, there are chapters on Cover Artists, Performers & Composers, Misc. categories ranging from advertising, black face, military, to patriotic, sports and WW I and II. There isn't a lot of back ground information, but a ton of listings, dates and prices. A valuable reference source for sheet music collectors.