The Enid Blyton Collection
Last updated: 17.12.19
The Naughtiest Girl in the School / The Naughtiest Girl Again / The Naughtiest Girl Is a Monitor
Hardcover: 512 pages
Amazon Review
By gensparkie (California)
This review is from: The Enid Blyton Collection (Hardcover)
I discovered Enid Blyton when I was about ten, and even though this particular book/series is meant for younger children, I devoured these gentle and imaginative stories.
The Faraway Tree is a magical tree that has many characters living in it, and at the very top of the tree there is an everchanging cycle of magical worlds - one world will come around every few days or hours and then go away, to return months or years later.
The magical worlds are great fun and offer a look at how trips to different kinds of fantasy lands might play out. The kids have to use their wits to escape from some of the tougher situations they encounter in the nastier worlds, and their willpower to go home from the worlds that offer endless candies and nice things!
I read an older edition of this book, but I have heard from other Blyton fans that they have "updated" the books somewhat in the last ten years. I think Fanny's name has been changed and a lot of silly scenarios have been altered - I can only guess what the censors did to Dame Slap! (She was really pretty tame!) In any case, as a ten-year old growing up in a big city, I didn't find anything snigger-worthy enough to warrant changing, and I'd urge folks to try and find an older edition of this book that has not been abridged.
I am guessing that even if you use this modern edition, though, that Blyton's trademark readability and imaginative writing will still shine through. This would be an ideal book for the eight and under crowd, but even as an adult, I still get a lot of pleasure out of the occasional reread