1. Vespro della beata vergine, for chorus & instruments, SV 206 Domine ad adiuvandum me by Claudio Monteverdi
with Vienna Concentus Musicus, conducted by Jurgen Jurgens
2. Ricercar à 3 by by
Adrian Willaert
Wiener Blockflötenensemble
3. Al Dolce Suon' by Orlande de Lassus
with Alsfeld Vocal Ensemble
4. Ove d'altra montagna by Orlande de Lassus
with Alsfeld Vocal Ensemble
5. Sacrae Symphoniae: Nunc dimittis for 14 voices by Giovanni Gabrieli
with Munich Capella Antiqua
6. Violin Concerto ("Il piacere"), for violin, strings & continuo in C major ("Il Cimento" No. 6), Op. 8/6, RV 180 by Antonio Vivaldi
with Vienna Concentus Musicus, Alice Harnoncourt, conducted by Nikolaus Harnoncourt
7. O bene mio fam'uno favore by Adrian Willaert
Conducted by Jurgen Jurgens
8. Sacrae Symphoniae: O Domine Jesu Christe, for 8 voices by Giovanni Gabrieli
with Munich Capella Antiqua
9. Canzon No 6, à 7 by Giovanni Gabrieli
with Munich Capella Antiqua
10. Pero piu ferm, madrigal à 4 by
Cyprian de Rore
Wiener Blockflötenensemble
11. Geistliche Chormusik, Op 11/20 "Das ist je gewißlich wahr" SWV 388 by Heinrich Schutz
12. Geistliche Chormusik, Op 11/23 "Selig sind die Toten" SWV 391by Heinrich Schutz
13. Fassa la nave, madrigal à 6 by Adrian Willaert
Wiener Blockflötenensemble
14. Concerto in F for Recorder, strings and Continuo by
Antonio Vivaldi
Frans Brüggen, Anner Bylsma, Concerto Amsterdam, Gustav Leonhardt
Conducted by Jaap Schroder
15. Vespro della beata vergine, for chorus & instruments, SV 206 Ave Maris Stella by Claudio Monteverdi
with Vienna Concentus Musicus, conducted by Jurgen Jurgens
16. Psalm 98 ("Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied"), for double chorus & continuo (Psalms of David), SWV 35 (Op. 2) by Heinrich Schutz
17. Alla dolce ombra, madrigal by Cipriano de Rore
Wiener Blockflötenensemble
18. Praesidium, Sara by Orlande de Lassus
with Alsfeld Vocal Ensemble
19. Ricercar Del Secondo Tuono by
Andrea Gabrieli
Wiener Blockflötenensemble