Irene Taylor (1906-1988)
Last updated: 02.11.23
url15.gif Irene Taylor Biography by  

     Composer Title Performer
youtube15.jpg H. Barris Mississippi Mud (3:31) Irene Taylor
youtube15.jpg D. Franklin I Ain't Lazy - I'm Just Dreamin' (1:48) Irene Taylor
youtube15.jpg A. Hoffman In the Dim Dim Dawning (2:31) Irene Taylor
youtube15.jpg A. Ronell Willow Weep For Me (3:28) Irene Taylor
This list is arranged by composer and contains 6 works performed by Irene Taylor who is featured on sheet music covers. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: (w&m)
     Title Composer Attribution Remarks
perf15.jpg Mississippi Mud (1927) Harry Barris Irene Taylor (perf.)
perf15.jpg My Mom (1932) Walter Donaldson(w&m) Bing Crosby (perf.)
Irene Taylor (perf.)
perf15.jpg I Ain't Lazy - I'm Just Dreamin' (1934) Dave Franklin Irene Taylor (perf.) wvicon.gif
perf15.jpg In the Dim Dim Dawning (1932) Al Hoffman Al Goodhart (co-author)
Stanley Adams (words)
Irene Taylor (perf.)
perf15.jpg I'm Yours For Tonight (1932) James V. Monaco Edgar Leslie (words)
Irene Taylor (perf.)
perf15.jpg Willow Weep For Me (1932) Ann Ronell(w&m) Irene Taylor (perf.) wvicon.gif