Gertie Millar (1879-1952)
Last updated: 26.04.24
url15.gif Gertie Millar Biography by  

Gertie Millar (1879-1952) has at least 1 item(s) at the Amazons which you can order on-line by clicking the item's order icon.
b007rgyriq_m.jpgBedtime at the Zoo
Music by: Lionel Monckton.
Words by: Percy Greenbank, Leslie Mayne
Performed by: Gertie Millar
Publisher: Chappell & Co.
Suppliers: flag15us.gif
Printed: 1906. Sheet Music.
This list is derived from information provided by which went down sometime in 2023.
The loss of this valuable resource is very sad and a mystery.
     Title Attribution Remarks
  Chalk Farm to Camberwell Green Lionel Monckton (words & music)
Gertie Millar (perf.)
  Moonstruck Lionel Monckton (words & music)
Gertie Millar (perf.)
  Two Little Sausages Lionel Monckton (words & music)
Gertie Millar (perf.)
     Title Attribution Instruments Source Remarks
pdf15.gif Moonstruck (1909) L. Monckton (w&m)
Gertie Millar (perf.)
Piano, Voice IMSLP wvicon.gif
     Composer Title Performer
youtube15.jpg L. Monckton Chalk Farm to Camberwell Green (1915) (4:10) Gertie Millar
youtube15.jpg L. Monckton Keep Off the Grass (1901) (1:49) Gertie Millar
youtube15.jpg L. Monckton Moonstruck (1910) (3:00) Gertie Millar
The peformer is featured on 14 sheet music/recording covers. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: (w&m)
     Title Composer Attribution Items
perf15.jpg Keep Off the Grass (1901) Lionel Monckton Leslie Mayne (words)
Ivan Caryll (words)
perf15.jpg Captivating Cora (1902) Lionel Monckton
perf15.jpg Come Along With Me (1903) Lionel Monckton Adrian Ross (words)
Ivan Caryll (words)
perf15.jpg Little Mary (1903) Lionel Monckton Leslie Mayne (words)
Ivan Caryll (words)
perf15.jpg Lliza Ann (1903) Lionel Monckton Leslie Mayne (words)
Fred Wright (words)
Ivan Caryll (words)
perf15.jpg I Don't Want the Dark (1904) Lionel Monckton Percy Greenbank (words)
Leslie Mayne (words)
Ivan Caryll (words)
perf15.jpg My Little Chimney-Sweep (1904) Lionel Monckton Percy Greenbank (words)
Ivan Caryll (words)
perf15.jpg Bedtime at the Zoo (1906) Lionel Monckton Percy Greenbank (words)
Leslie Mayne (words)
Ivan Caryll (words)
perf15.jpg Grandmamma (1906) Lionel Monckton Adrian Ross (words)
Ivan Caryll (words)
perf15.jpg Sort of Chap (1906), The Lionel Monckton Leslie Mayne (words)
Ivan Caryll (words)
perf15.jpg  Glass of Beer (1907), A Lionel Monckton van Caryll1 (words)
perf15.jpg Two Little Sausages (1907) Lionel Monckton(w&m)
perf15.jpg Moonstruck (1909) Lionel Monckton(w&m)
perf15.jpg Chalk Farm to Camberwell Green (1915) Lionel Monckton(w&m)