Title (Release Year) | Composer | Instruments/Issue |
MP3 File(s) | |||
Casey As Umpire at a Ball Game (1898) | R. Hunting | Columbia Phonograph Company: 9606 | |
Michael Casey Taking the Census (1905) | R. Hunting | Edison Gold Moulded Record: 8075 | |
Casey and His Gang of Irish Laborers (1905) | R. Hunting | Edison Gold Moulded Record: 8360 |
Title | Composer | Attribution | Remarks |
Casey Courting His Girl (1896) | Russell Hunting | John Kaiser (perf.) John H. White (perf.) |
Michael Casey Taking the Census (1896) | Russell Hunting | Russell Hunting (perf.) John Kaiser (perf.) |
Casey and His Gang of Irish Laborers (1905) | Russell Hunting | John Kaiser (perf.) |