According to the Internet source given below, Hester Groenleer was born in Utrecht (the Netherlands) and received recorder lessons from the age of ten at the 'Muziek- en Dansschool Amstelveen en omstreken'. As a soloist and member of various ensembles she was awarded several prizes: a second prize at the SONBU competition (Open Nederlandse Blokfluitdagen Utrecht) in 1998, a third prize at the SJMN competition in Rotterdam (Foundation for Young Musical Talent The Netherlands) in 1999. She frequently participated in workshops and masterclasses with members of 'Amsterdam Loeki Stardust Quartet', 'Vier op een Rij',
Matthias Maute and
Walter van Hauwe.
Since september 2000 Hester has been studying at the Conservatory of Amsterdam with
Paul Leenhouts. She received her diploma with distinction (cum laude) in june 2005. Hester continues her recorder studies in the Advanced Music Studies Program of the Amsterdam Conservatory, where she specializes in modern improvisation art, contemporary chamber music, and renaissance consort music. As a member of the
The Royal Wind Music, a renaissance recorder consort, she toured Spain, France, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, and the Netherlands. With this ensemble she has recorded two CD's and recorded for Dutch radio broadcast.