Ragtime Ripples (1908)
Last updated: 17.02.23
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Composer: P. Wenrich Suppliers: dbe15.gif
Editor: Geoff Grainger Sextet T/T/T/B/B/GB(B)
Publisher: Ditty Box Enterprises Publication: DBE 202
Out-of-print. Please send an Enquiry Form if you are interested in this item. It may be re-printed if justified by demand.  

Length: approx. 3 mins. Sounds best if the 3rd tenor plays the lower notes of chords only.
Well there is certainly plenty of rippling, especially for the 1st voice in this lesser known Wenrich rag. Ragtime Ripples has the "classic" form of AABBCCDD. Under the title of "Favorite Rag-Time Pieces" it shares the same front cover of the original sheet music together with four other rags: Dixie Kicks (1908) and Memphis Rag (1908) also by Wenrich, Sassafras Sam by George Grace and Sunflower Tickle (1908) and Dolly Richmond (actually a Wenrich pseudonym) respectively. This was a cost-cutting common device aimed at wider markets.
In making this recorder adaptation, the editor gratefully acknowledges Leonard Kaufer, collector of Percy Wenrich music in San Jose, California, for generously providing access to his materials.
Ragtime Ripples was published by McKinley Music Co., Chicago & New York, USA.
A tempo of 90 crotchets/min. is suggested.

This recorder adaptation is respectfully dedicated to Jean Ridley of the Mid-Peninsula Recorder Orchestra, California.

  Issue Instruments Performer
  DBE MP3 Sample    
audiodbemp315.gif Not issued T/T/T/B/B/GB(B) Midi Ragtime Recorder Ens.
  Midi File(s)   Sequencer(s)
audiomidi15.gif Midi Colin McDonald