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Length: approx. 3 mins. Sounds best if the 2nd tenor is doubled.
Poppy is a fine romantic tango beautifully illustrated on the cover of the original sheet music. Here, an elegant dance pair are shown tangoing with the scene bestrewn with, yes you have got it, poppies! Its form is AABBCCB with a 4-bar introduction and an 8-bar interlude between the CC- and B-strains whereby the AB- and C strains are written in Bb and Eb respectively. This adaptation for recorder quartet is an all tenor/bass affair and in this piece, the basses must be particularly subdued. They have to take care in avoiding clashes with the tenors if playing an octave higher than scored.
Poppy was published by Harry von Tilzer Music Pub. Co., New York, USA.
A tempo of 80 crotchets/min. is suggested.