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Length: approx. 2½ mins. Sounds best with tenor and 2nd bass doubled.
Watermelon Club, is an easy-going, jolly march and two step starting of with a strident introduction and not letting up thereafter. This piece being mostly in the lower registers results in a quite sonorous recorder adaptation with four (!) basses being required for a few bars (bars 72-74). The requirement for the treble player to briefly take up a bass at this point is just for the purists and not strictly necessary. The trio introduction is marked Trumpet which is quite obvious. Not quite so obvious is the reason for marking bar 67 with Cane on floor and is a mystery to the adapter, nothing being found in current literature.
Watermelon Club was published by Lyon & Healy, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
A tempo of 90 crotchets/min. is suggested.
This recorder adaptation was lovingly dedicated to my son, Andrew Grainger, watermelon connoisseur among many other things.