Sterling Music Company
Last updated: 05.08.24
Address: 97 East 37 Street, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Sterling Music Company has 17 publications posted in these webpages. They include 1 item of piano sheet music at the Amazons and 16 items of sheet music in the Lists of Works (Werkverzeichnisse).
     Title Author Supplier
Piano Sheet Music:
sm15.gif Pickaninnies Patrol W.J. Carkeek
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif Draggy Rags (1908) D. P. Argo
sm15.gif Derby (1898), The William J. Carkeek
sm15.gif Mother (1899) William J. Carkeek(w&m)
sm15.gif Naval Heroes Waltz (1898) William J. Carkeek
sm15.gif Pickaninnies Patrol (1899) William J. Carkeek
sm15.gif Misty Islands of the Highlands (1935) Michael Carr(w&m) Jimmy Kennedy (co-author)
sm15.gif Old Sailor (Fair Winds to You) (1936) Fred Godfrey Jimmy Kennedy (words)
sm15.gif Dottie Dimple (1907) Florence McPherran
sm15.gif Farewell, My Belle (1905) Florence McPherran(w&m) Viola Gillette (perf.)
sm15.gif Fi-Fi (1907) Florence McPherran
sm15.gif La Zurita (1907) Florence McPherran
sm15.gif Nedra (1906) Florence McPherran
sm15.gif Sunny Sue (1907) Florence McPherran Arthur J. Lamb (words)
sm15.gif Tale of the Snow Flake (1905), The Florence McPherran Viola Gillette (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm Growing Fonder of You (1935) George W. Meyer Pete Wendling (words)
Joe Young (words)
sm15.gif On an Old Paddle Steamer (1935) Leslie Sarony(w&m)