Kunkel Brothers Publishers
Last updated: 01.07.24
Address: St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Kunkel Brothers Publishers has 5 publications posted in these webpages. They include 5 items of sheet music in the Lists of Works (Werkverzeichnisse).
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif Wenn die Schwalben heimwärts zieh'n (1873) Franz Abt Marie Rappold (perf.)
Jacques Urlus (perf.)
Elise Stevenson (perf.)
Harry MacDonough (perf.)
John H. Bieling (perf.)
Emma Loeffler (perf.)
sm15.gif Alice, Where Art Thou? (1885) Joseph Ascher W Guernsey (words)
Alfred Hicks (perf.)
Olly Oakley (perf.)
Herbert L. Clarke & Leo A. Zimmerman (perf.)
Ernest Pike (perf.)
sm15.gif Would You Like Me Better if My Eyes Were Blue? (1907) Fleta Jan Brown
sm15.gif Flight of the Aeronauts (1897), The A.M. Jones
sm15.gif Kansas Pacific R.W (1872) George Maywood