The H. Kirkus Dugdale Co.
Last updated: 18.01.22
Address: Dugdale Bldg., Washington, D.C., USA

The H. Kirkus Dugdale Co. has 41 publications posted in these webpages. They include 41 items of sheet music in the Lists of Works (Werkverzeichnisse).
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif Tex Tangle Foot Rag (1912) F. J. Boyer
sm15.gif Dat Cacklin' Rag (1911) Kenneth W. Bradshaw
sm15.gif My Star (1913) Jean Buckley Alice Armstrong Powel (words)
sm15.gif Ragweed Rag (1911) Harry Bussler
sm15.gif Tangolizing Rag (1914) Ray Collins
sm15.gif Baltimore Convention Rag (1912) Stephen Corbin
sm15.gif Speedometer Rag (1912) William B. Dale
sm15.gif That Spooky Rag (1912) Will J. Elener
sm15.gif Rattle Snake Rag (1910) Clyde W. Headley
sm15.gif That Jumping Rag (1914) Irma Hult
sm15.gif Meer-Sham Rag (1914) Cliff Irvin
sm15.gif Back to Her Old Home She Wandered (1911) Charles J. W. Jerreld rank J Shields1 (words)
sm15.gif Back To The Dear Old Home (1912) Charles J. W. Jerreld Gustav P. Moldenhauer (words)
sm15.gif Base Ball Fever (1912), The Charles J. W. Jerreld Ed McAvoy (words)
sm15.gif Baseball Boy (1911), The Charles J. W. Jerreld Ellen Waltz (words)
sm15.gif By the Old Rustic Bridge (1911) Charles J. W. Jerreld Willis E Dill (words)
sm15.gif Fate of the Beautiful Titanic (1912), The Charles J. W. Jerreld Bell Myers (words)
sm15.gif  Manda at the Base Ball Game (1911) Charles J. W. Jerreld N. Campbell (words)
sm15.gif Our Millionaire, Colonel Astor (1912) Charles J. W. Jerreld Mrs. C N Stephens (words)
sm15.gif That Fire Rag (1912) Charles J. W. Jerreld Wm Witol (words)
sm15.gif Titanic's Angel Band (1912) Charles J. W. Jerreld Alice G Elliott (words)
sm15.gif Titanic, Alas Goodnight (1912) Charles J. W. Jerreld Esther Wood (words)
sm15.gif Titanic (1912), The Charles J. W. Jerreld Mrs G C Hildenbrant (words)
sm15.gif Watery Grave (1912), The Charles J. W. Jerreld Charles F Leir (words)
Carrie Leir (words)
sm15.gif When the Ship Went Down (1912) Charles J. W. Jerreld Otille E Haag (words)
sm15.gif That Tantalizing Rag (1913) Thelma Kay
sm15.gif Technic Touch Rag (1913) Harold B. Knox
sm15.gif Cotton Leaf Rag (1911) Len Larimer
sm15.gif Virginia Rag (1912) Harriet Reynolds Marchant
sm15.gif Rochester Rag (1912) J.C. Mills
sm15.gif Measles Rag (1913) Arthur H. Nokes
sm15.gif Pearl's Rag (1914) William E. Pearl W.H. Bell (co-author)
sm15.gif Come Back to Me, Sweetheart (1913) Genevieve Scott Chloe Miller (words)
sm15.gif I'm Gone, Good-Bye (1914) Genevieve Scott Grace Gertrude Smith (words)
sm15.gif Rising Moon (1912) M. Mae Serviss
sm15.gif  Texas Wiggle Rag (1914) Ermon Smith
sm15.gif That Rooster's Walking Rag (1912) Jack Stanley John F. Clements (words)
sm15.gif Southern Shuffle Rag (1912) T. Palmer Stephens
sm15.gif That Cherry Rag (1914) Edna Chappell Tiff
sm15.gif Kappy Signa Waltz (1910) James A. White Jr.
sm15.gif Some Wampas Cat Rag (1913) James Wickiser