Richard Myers  (1901-1977)
Last updated: 03.01.25
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 19 works by Richard Myers (1901-1977). It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located.
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Bubbling Over 1926 Cecil Lean (perf.)
Lulu Belle 1926 Leo Robin (words)
Lenore Ulric (perf.)
All My Life 1927 Phil Charig (co-author)
Leo Robin (words)
I'm a One-Man Girl 1928 Glifford Grey (words)
Leo Robin (words)
Say That You Love Me 1928
True Blue 1928
You've Got a Way With You 1928 Leo Robin (words)
Jericho 1929 Leo Robin (words)
Fred Waring (perf.)
Ankle Up the Altar With Me 1930 Edward Eliscu (words)  Pub.
Hosanna 1931 Leo Robin (words)  Pub.
Music in My Fingers 1931 Edward Heyman (words)  wvicon.gif
My Darling 1932 Edward Heyman (words)  Pub.
I Gotcha Where I Wantcha 1933 Edward Heyman (words)
Me For You Forever 1933 Edward Heyman (words)
Niagara Moon 1933 Edward Heyman (words)
Helen Ward (perf.)
Afternoon in Amsterdam, An 1934 Edward Heyman (words)  Pub.
Midnight on Main Street 1934 Edward Heyman (words)  Pub.
Twenty One Guns For Susie 1934 Al Silverman (words)
Bob Leslie (words)
Ken Leslie (words)
If Love Came Wrapped in Cellophane 1935 Edward Heyman (words)  Pub.