Jules Émile Frédéric Massenet  (1842-1912)
Last updated: 22.04.24
According to The New Penguin Dictionary of Music, Jules Émile Frédéric Massenet was a French composer, pupil of A. Thomas. Wrote 27 operas, in a mellifluous and sometimes rather "light-weight" style. Other works include ballets, incidental music to plays, orchestral suites, piano concerto, about 200 songs.
     Title Author Supplier
book15.gif  My Recollections (1848-1912) (Music Book Index) Jules Emile Frederic Massenet flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif
     Performer CD Title Supplier
Recorder Music CDs:
cd15.gif Michael Copley Handel with Care
cd15.gif Piers Adams Recorder Bravura flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif
Recorder Sheet Music
Meditation from Thais (A/Piano)smp_unav15.gif
Publisher: Polyphonic Publications (PP00148)
Werther"s Aria, Act. 2 (D/A/A/T/T/B)smp_unav15.gif
Score and Parts.
Publisher: Polyphonic Publications (PP00162)