Liza Lehmann  (1862-1918)
Last updated: 06.11.24
p_lehmannl.jpgQuoting from the Internet source given below,
Liza Lehmannwas an English soprano and composer, known for her vocal compositions.
After vocal studies with Alberto Randegger and Jenny Lind, and composition studies with teachers including Hamish MacCunn, Lehmann made her singing debut in 1885 in London and pursued a concert career for nearly a decade. In 1894, she married and left the stage. She then concentrated on composing music, becoming known for her songs, including many children's songs. She also composed several pieces for the stage and wrote a textbook on singing. In 1910, she toured the United States, where she accompanied her own songs in recitals. She was the first president of the Society of Women Musicians and became a professor of singing at the Guildhall School of Music in 1913.

url15.gif Liza Lehmann Biography by  
url15.gif  DAHR: Liza Lehmann List of 61 historic recordings from 1907 to 1940.
  Title (Release Year) Composer Performers Issue
  Historic Records      
recordmp3.gif Ah, Moon of My Delight (1911) L. Lehmann John McCormack Victor: C-10063
record15.gif Birth of the Flowers (1915) L. Lehmann Clara Butt
Ethel Hook
Hazel Hook
Pauline Hook
Columbia: 6662
record15.gif Bonnie Wee Thing (1914) L. Lehmann John McCormack Victor: B-14668
recordmp3.gif Bonnie Wee Thing (1915) L. Lehmann H. Burr Columbia: 45856
record15.gif Bowl of Roses, A (1917) L. Lehmann Marion Evelyn Cox Edison: 5757
record15.gif Castilian Maid, The (1914) L. Lehmann Margaret Romaine Victor: B-14800
recordmp3.gif Evensong (1923) L. Lehmann Dora Labbette Columbia: 73262
recordmp3.gif Golden Threshold : The Snake Charmer, The (1917) L. Lehmann Betsy Lane Shepherd Edison: 5348
recordmp3.gif If I Built a World For You (1912) L. Lehmann Marguerite Dunlap Victor: B-12175
record15.gif In a Garden (1914) L. Lehmann Thamzene Cox Columbia: 39450
recordmp3.gif Magdalen at Michael's Gate (1913) L. Lehmann Nellie Melba Victor: C-13898
record15.gif Passion-Flower, The (1918) L. Lehmann Mrs. Russell Miller Victor: [Trial 1918-12-27-04]
record15.gif Rancher's Daughter, The (1928) L. Lehmann Gregory Stroud Brunswick: [Br (U
record15.gif Swing, The (1924) L. Lehmann H. Burr Victor: A-30472
record15.gif There Are Birds in the Valley (1913) L. Lehmann Reed Miller Victor: B-13446
record15.gif Tis the Hour of Farewell (1919) L. Lehmann James McCormack Victor: [Trial 1919-11-05-02]
record15.gif  Wood-Pigeon, The (1912) L. Lehmann Olive Kline Victor: B-12267
record15.gif Wren, The (1912) L. Lehmann Olive Kline Victor: B-12271
recordmp3.gif Wren, The (1919) L. Lehmann Stella Power Edison: 6977
record15.gif You Flaunt Your Beauty (1923) L. Lehmann Hubert Eisdell Columbia: 76891
     Title Attribution Instruments Source Remarks
pdf15.gif Bird Songs (1907) L. Lehmann (music)
A.S. (words)
Blanche Marchesi (perf.)
Piano, Voice IMSLP wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif By the Lake (1914) L. Lehmann (music)
Ethel Clifford (words)
Clara Butt (perf.)
Piano, Voice IMSLP wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Cameos (1901) L. Lehmann (music)
Rufinus (words)
Meleager (words)
Paul the Silentiary (words)
Anon (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Cobweb Castle (1908) L. Lehmann (music) Piano IMSLP wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Daddy's Sweetheart (1911) L. Lehmann (music)
Curtis Hardin-Burnley (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Daisy Chain (1900), The L. Lehmann (music) Piano IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Evensong (1916) L. Lehmann (music)
Constance Morgan (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif  Everybody's Secret (1910) L. Lehmann (music)
Lloyd Rand (words)
Evangeline Florence (perf.)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Five Little Love Songs (1910) L. Lehmann (music)
Cora Randall Fabbri (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Fly Away, Pretty Moth (1916) L. Lehmann (w&m) Piano, Voice Indiana Pub.
pdf15.gif Four Cautionary Tales and a Moral (1909) L. Lehmann (music)
Hilaire Belloc (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Golden Threshold (1906), The L. Lehmann (music)
Sarojini Naidu (words)
Piano IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Good Morning, Brother Sunshine! (1916) L. Lehmann (music)
James William Foley (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Guardian Angel (1898), The L. Lehmann (music)
Edith Nesbit (words)
Piano IMSLP wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Happy Prince (1908), The L. Lehmann (music)
Oscar Wilde (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif  Hips and Haws (1913) L. Lehmann (music)
Radclyffe Hall (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif I Send You My Heart (1913) L. Lehmann (w&m) Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif If I Built a World For You (1904) L. Lehmann (music)
Herbert Fordwych (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif In a Persian Garden (1896) L. Lehmann (music)
Edward FitzGerald (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif In Memoriam (1899) L. Lehmann (music)
Alfred Tennyson (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif In Sherwood Forest (1910) L. Lehmann (music)
Basil Hood (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Lake Isle of Innisfree (1911), The L. Lehmann (music)
William Butler Yeats (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Life of a Rose (1905), The L. Lehmann (w&m) Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif  Mad Dog (1907), The L. Lehmann (music)
Oliver Goldsmith (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Mirage (1894) L. Lehmann (music)
Henry Malësh (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Molly's Spinning Song (1902) L. Lehmann (music)
Christian Leberecht Heyne (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif More Daisies (1902) L. Lehmann (music)
R.L. Stevenson (words)
J.H.G. Ewing (words)
R.M.M. Houghton (words)
W.B. Rands (words)
Matilda Betham-Edwards (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Mother Sleep (1901) L. Lehmann (music)
Henry Dawson Lowry (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Never Mind the Weather (1901) L. Lehmann (music)
Tom Heffernan (words)
Alice Hollander (perf.)
Piano, Voice IMSLP wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif No Candle Was There and No Fire (1909) L. Lehmann (music)
Frances Marion Gostling (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Nonsense Songs from ''Alice in Wonderland'' (1908) L. Lehmann (music)
Lewis Carroll (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif  Oh, Tell Me, Nightingale (1910) L. Lehmann (music)
Mir Sefi Vazeh (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif On the Day I Get to Heaven (1912) L. Lehmann (music)
Sivori Levey (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Once Upon a Time (1903) L. Lehmann (music)
George Henry Jessop (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Roses After Rain (1903) L. Lehmann (music)
Frederick S. Stanton (words)
Lillian Blauvelt (perf.)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Run, Run, Little Page (1895) L. Lehmann (music)
Clinton Scollard (words)
Plunkett Greene (perf.)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Secrets of the Heart (1895), The L. Lehmann (music)
Austin Dobson (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Selfish Giant (1911), The L. Lehmann (music)
Oscar Wilde (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Sergeant Brue (1904) L. Lehmann (music)
Jay Hickory Wood (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif  Silver Rose (1911), The L. Lehmann (music)
Radclyffe Hall (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Snowdrops (1901) L. Lehmann (music)
Annie Matheson (words)
Clara Butt (perf.)
Kennerley Rumford (perf.)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Songs of a ''Flapper'' (1911) L. Lehmann (w&m) Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Songs of Love and Spring (1903) L. Lehmann (music)
Emanuel Geibel (words)
Clara Butt (perf.)
Kennerley Rumford (perf.)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif There Are Birds in the Valley (1907) L. Lehmann (music)
Laurence Housman (words)
Piano, Voice Indiana Pub.

There Are Fairies at the Bottom of Our Garden (1911) L. Lehmann (music)
Rose Fyleman (words)
Amelita Galli-Curci (perf.)
Piano, Voice

pdf15.gif Thoughts Have Wings (1909) L. Lehmann (music)
Frances Marion Gostling (words)
Carmen Hill (perf.)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Titania's Cradle (1892) L. Lehmann (music)
W. Shakespeare (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif  Two Seal Songs (1908) L. Lehmann (music)
Rudyard Kipling (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Valentine (1911), A L. Lehmann (music)
Amelia Barry Pain (words)
Piano, Voice Indiana Pub.
pdf15.gif Vicar of Wakefield (1907), The L. Lehmann (music)
Laurence Housman (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Whene'er a Snowflake Leaves the Sky (1918) L. Lehmann (music)
Anon (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP wvicon.gif

You and I (1897) L. Lehmann (music)
Mary Arnold Childs (words)
Louise Dale (perf.)
Louise Dale (perf.)
Piano, Voice

pdf15.gif Young Lochinvar (1898) L. Lehmann (music)
W. Scott (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 74 works by Liza Lehmann (1862-1918). It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: pdf15.gif (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Titania's Cradle 1892 William Shakespeare (words)  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Exile, The 1893 Caroline Blanche Elizabeth Lindsay (words)
Alice Gomez (perf.)
Mirage 1894 Henry Malësh (words)  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Run, Run, Little Page 1895 Clinton Scollard (words)
Plunkett Greene (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif
Secrets of the Heart, The 1895 Austin Dobson (words)  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Ah, Moon of My Delight 1896 John McCormack (perf.)  wvicon.gif  recordmp3.gif
In a Persian Garden 1896 Edward FitzGerald (words)  Pub. pdf15.gif
You and I 1897 Mary Arnold Childs (words)
Louise Dale (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gif
Guardian Angel, The 1898 Edith Nesbit (words)  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Young Lochinvar 1898 Walter Scott (words)  Pub. pdf15.gif
In Memoriam 1899 Alfred Tennyson (words)  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Daisy Chain, The 1900  Pub. pdf15.gif
If No One Ever Marries Me 1900 Laurence AlmaTadema (words)
Cameos 1901 Rufinus (words)
Meleager (words)
Paul the Silentiary (words)
Anon (words)
 Pub. pdf15.gif
Mother Sleep 1901 Henry Dawson Lowry (words)  Pub. pdf15.gif
Never Mind the Weather 1901 Tom Heffernan (words)
Alice Hollander (perf.)
 wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Snowdrops 1901 Annie Matheson (words)
Clara Butt (perf.)
Kennerley Rumford (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif
Molly's Spinning Song 1902 Christian Leberecht Heyne (words)  Pub. pdf15.gif
More Daisies 1902 R.L. Stevenson (words)
J.H.G. Ewing (words)
R.M.M. Houghton (words)
W.B. Rands (words)
Matilda Betham-Edwards (words)
 Pub. pdf15.gif
Once Upon a Time 1903 George Henry Jessop (words)  Pub. pdf15.gif
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Roses After Rain 1903 Frederick S. Stanton (words)
Lillian Blauvelt (perf.)
 wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Songs of Love and Spring 1903 Emanuel Geibel (words)
Clara Butt (perf.)
Kennerley Rumford (perf.)
 wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Four Sunbeams, The 1904  Pub.
If I Built a World For You 1904 Herbert Fordwych (words)
Marguerite Dunlap (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif  recordmp3.gif
Myself When Young 1904  wvicon.gif
Sergeant Brue 1904 Jay Hickory Wood (words)  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Life of a Rose, The (w&m) 1905  Pub. pdf15.gif
Golden Threshold, The 1906 Sarojini Naidu (words)  Pub. pdf15.gif
Bird Songs 1907 A.S. (words)
Blanche Marchesi (perf.)
Janice Watson (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif youtube15.jpg
Mad Dog, The 1907 Oliver Goldsmith (words)  Pub. pdf15.gif
Vicar of Wakefield, The 1907 Laurence Housman (words)  Pub. pdf15.gif
Cobweb Castle 1908  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif youtube15.jpg
Happy Prince, The 1908 Oscar Wilde (words)  Pub. pdf15.gif
Nonsense Songs from ''Alice in Wonderland'' 1908 Lewis Carroll (words)  Pub. pdf15.gif
Two Seal Songs 1908 Rudyard Kipling (words)  Pub. pdf15.gif
Four Cautionary Tales and a Moral 1909 Hilaire Belloc (words)  Pub. pdf15.gif
No Candle Was There and No Fire 1909 Frances Marion Gostling (words)  Pub. pdf15.gif
Thoughts Have Wings 1909 Frances Marion Gostling (words)
Carmen Hill (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif
Everybody's Secret 1910 Lloyd Rand (words)
Evangeline Florence (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif
Five Little Love Songs 1910 Cora Randall Fabbri (words)  Pub. pdf15.gif
Title Year Attribution Remarks
In Sherwood Forest 1910 Basil Hood (words)  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Oh, Tell Me, Nightingale 1910 Mir Sefi Vazeh (words)  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Daddy's Sweetheart 1911 Curtis Hardin-Burnley (words)
Blanche Tomlin (perf.)
Ruth Vincent (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif
Lake Isle of Innisfree, The 1911 William Butler Yeats (words)  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Selfish Giant, The 1911 Oscar Wilde (words)  Pub. pdf15.gif
Silver Rose, The 1911 Radclyffe Hall (words)  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Songs of a ''Flapper'' (w&m) 1911 Bea Derrick (perf.)  Pub. pdf15.gif youtube15.jpg
There Are Fairies at the Bottom of Our Garden 1911 Rose Fyleman (words)
Amelita Galli-Curci (perf.)
Dora Labbette (perf.)
Jeannie Miller (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gif youtube15.jpg
Valentine, A 1911 Amelia Barry Pain (words)  Pub. pdf15.gif
How Sweet the Moonlight Sleeps Upon This Bank 1912 William Shakespeare (words)
On the Day I Get to Heaven 1912 Sivori Levey (words)  Pub. pdf15.gif
Wood-Pigeon, The 1912 Olive Kline (perf.)   record15.gif
Wren, The 1912 Olive Kline (perf.)
Stella Power (perf.)
  record15.gif recordmp3.gif
Hips and Haws 1913 Radclyffe Hall (words)  Pub. pdf15.gif
I Send You My Heart (w&m) 1913  Pub. pdf15.gif
Magdalen at Michael's Gate 1913 Nellie Melba (perf.)   recordmp3.gif
There Are Birds in the Valley 1913 Laurence Housman (words)
Reed Miller (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif  record15.gif
Bonnie Wee Thing 1914 Robert Burns (words)
Henry Burr (perf.)
John McCormack (perf.)
  record15.gif recordmp3.gif
By the Lake 1914 Ethel Clifford (words)
Clara Butt (perf.)
 wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Castilian Maid, The 1914 Margaret Romaine (perf.)   record15.gif
Title Year Attribution Remarks
In a Garden 1914 Thamzene Cox (perf.)   record15.gif
Birth of the Flowers 1915 Clara Butt (perf.)
Ethel Hook (perf.)
Hazel Hook (perf.)
Pauline Hook (perf.)
Evensong 1916 Constance Morgan (words)
Dora Labbette (perf.)
Catherine Wyn-Rogers (perf.)
 wvicon.gif pdf15.gif youtube15.jpg  recordmp3.gif
Fly Away, Pretty Moth (w&m) 1916  Pub. pdf15.gif
Good Morning, Brother Sunshine! 1916 James William Foley (words)
Louise Dale (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif
Bowl of Roses, A 1917 William Ernest Henley (words)
J. W. Foley (words)
Marion Evelyn Cox (perf.)
Golden Threshold : The Snake Charmer, The 1917 Betsy Lane Shepherd (perf.)   recordmp3.gif
Passion-Flower, The 1918 Tom Heffernan (words)
Mrs. Russell Miller (perf.)
Whene'er a Snowflake Leaves the Sky 1918 Anon (words)  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Tis the Hour of Farewell 1919 James McCormack (perf.)   record15.gif
You Flaunt Your Beauty 1923 Hubert Eisdell (perf.)   record15.gif
Swing, The 1924 Henry Burr (perf.)   record15.gif
Rancher's Daughter, The 1928 Gregory Stroud (perf.)   record15.gif
Cuckoo, The ? Rosina Buckman (perf.)  youtube15.jpg
     Composer Title Performer
youtube15.jpg L. Lehmann Bird Songs (9:22) Janice Watson
youtube15.jpg L. Lehmann Cobweb Castle (15:16) Gamma1374
youtube15.jpg L. Lehmann Songs of a ''Flapper'' (8:13) Bea Derrick
youtube15.jpg L. Lehmann Evensong (2:37) Catherine Wyn-Rogers
youtube15.jpg L. Lehmann There Are Fairies at the Bottom of Our Garden (2:39) Jeannie Miller
youtube15.jpg L. Lehmann The Cuckoo (2:08) Rosina Buckman