Arthur Lionel Klein 
Last updated: 04.10.24
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 16 works by Arthur Lionel Klein. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
My Heart Is Light 1916 Harold Simpson (words)  wvicon.gif
Heart of My Heart 1917 Harold Simpson (words)  Pub.
I Do Miss the Men 1917 Charles Wilmott (words)
Alfred Butt (words)
Gwendoline Brogden (perf.)
If Only Your Heart Were Mine 1918 Charles Wilmott (words)
Aileen D'Orme (words)
Joan Hay (words)
Irene Brown (words)
Gwendoline Brogden (perf.)
It's a Wonderful Thing to Me 1918 Charles Wilmott (words)
Liliam Byrne (perf.)
Mary Dear. (w&m) 1918  Pub.
One Smile From You 1918 Leonard Cooke (words)  Pub.
Dream Rose, The 1919 F E Weatherly (words)  Pub.
Jack O' Jingles 1919 Harold Simpson (words)
Gabrielle Ray (perf.)
Little While Ago, A 1919 Harry Castling (words)  Pub.
Mignonette 1919 Charles Wilmott (words)  Pub.
My Little Willow Tree 1919 Charles Wilmott (words)  Pub.
Pathway to Love , The 1919 Charles Wilmott (words)
Nancy Gibbs (perf.)
What Use the Night Time? 1919 Alec Kendall (words)
Louie Beckman (perf.)
Arthur Klein (perf.)
Marie Novello (perf.)
Philip Simmons (perf.)
Lena Heinz 1920 George Arthurs (words)
Mona Vivian (perf.)
Live, Laugh and Love 1920 Huntley Trevor (words)  wvicon.gif