Psalm 23 D 706
Last updated: 12.10.23
Composer: Franz Schubert (1797-1828)
Publication: Der 23. Psalm
Publisher: Carus Verlag
Suppliers: smp_logo_88_white.gif
Language: German
Parts: Soprano/Alto/Tenor/Bass/Organ
Choir: Die Zeitlupe
I learned and sang Psalm 23 D706 by Franz Schubert as a member of Die Zeitlupe in 2006.
Not the easiest work to sing by any means but most rewarding to master. The version we sang was for soprano/alto/tenor/bass accompanied by organ/piano arranged by Hans Georg Pfluger and written in A♭-major. It was originally written for female choirs.
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     Title Performer
youtube15.jpg Psalm 23 D 706 (5:52) National Taiwan University Chorus