Ignacy Jan Paderewski: Polish Pianist Patriot
Last updated: 17.12.19
Printed: |
1999 |
Author: |
Elaine Slivinski Lisandrelli |
Publisher: |
Morgan Reynolds |
1883846293 |
Suppliers: |
Champions of Freedom (Greensboro, N.C.)
Hardcover, 112 pages, (May 1999) Usually ships within 2-3 days.
Amazon Review
From School Library Journal
Grade 7 Up-Lisandrelli portrays the pianist turned statesman in a smooth, easy-to-understand style. She draws on published memoirs and other books and articles about the man, carefully citing all of her sources. In telling Paderewski's story, the author covers general historical events and musical information between 1860 and 1941. The black-and-white photos are often dark or fuzzy, but allow readers to recognize the subject and his family. An engaging look at a loyal Polish citizen who used his musical talent and oratory skills to advance the ideals of his country.
Adrian Renee Stevens, Beaver Creek School, West Jefferson, NC
Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc.
Gr. 6-9. Reared by patriotic relatives in Poland's divided territory, young Paddy learned to love his homeland and to hold one predominant wish: to contribute, one day, to Poland's again being recognized as an independent nation. Paderewski's musical talent burgeoned early and led him to several world tours, where his beneficence and congeniality not only made him a wealthy artist but also paved the way for his later becoming a noted diplomat.