Introducing the Composers
Last updated: 17.12.19
Printed: 1991 Author: Barbara W. Patton
Publisher: Soundboard Books ISBN: 1878636022
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Introducing Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Paperback (November 1991), usually ships within 24 hours.
Amazon Reviews
Book Description This biography continues the series with a fresh look at Mozart from his early days as a child prodigy, and clears up some commonly held misunderstandings about his life. It is an energetic story about the young musical genius and his fascinating life, uncomplicated and yet rich in detail. A glossary, map and historical perspective are included.
From the Publisher One of the world's most famous and beloved composers comes alive in this book written for 8-14-year-olds. Imagine Mozart having a conversation exclusively with your young reader. That's what happens in this carefully researched book as the composer tells his story.
From the Back Cover Mozart. The charming young genius composed some of the most exquisite music the world has ever heard. He comes to life as the series, INTRODUCING THE COMPOSERS, continues. Written for 8-14-year-olds, this energetic biography by Barbara Patton has historical integrity without the usual sentimentalism. Uncomplicated, yet rich with detail, INTRODUCING WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART will appeal to adults as well as young people.