Publisher's blurb
" 'Italian without tears' would have been an appropriate sub-title for this carefully and attractively composed primer ... To devise hundreds of simple sentences from a very limited vocabulary taxes the imagination to the utmost. Miss Speight avoids the necessity of straining her inventive genius to the breaking point by an ingenuous and yet simple method: the bulk of the reading matter is offered in the form of a journey to Italy. "
The Times Literary Supplement
Personal remarks:
This is another of those admirable, modest "Teach Yourself" books which were an essential part of my self-education in the late 1960's. Still in excellent condition and scarcely used all these years.
It was originally purchased with a trip to Naples and South Italy in mind. But having already lived a short while in Ulm, South Germany for a while, my then young family found itself using German which was better understood than English or the few words of Italian which I attempted to spout,