Toby Claude (1877-1962)
Last updated: 04.08.24
url15.gif Toby Claude Biography by  

     Title Attribution Instruments Source Remarks
pdf15.gif Let's Get Acquanited (1906) L. Keith (music)
John Kemble (words)
Toby Claude (perf.)
Piano, Voice Indiana wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Bye Bye Girlie (1905) A. von Tilzer (music)
Aaron Hoffman (words)
Toby Claude (perf.)
Piano, Voice Indiana wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Holding Hands and You Don't Say Nothing at All (1906) A. von Tilzer (music)
J. Norworth (words)
Toby Claude (perf.)
Piano, Voice Indiana Pub.
The peformer is featured on 5 sheet music/recording covers. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: (w&m)
     Title Composer Attribution Items
perf15.jpg Last Long Mile (1917), The Emil Breitenfeld(w&m)
perf15.jpg Let's Get Acquanited (1906) Lester Keith John Kemble (words)
Toby Claude (perf.)
perf15.jpg K-K-K-Katy (1918) Geoffrey de Vere O'Hara(w&m)
perf15.jpg Bye Bye Girlie (1905) Albert von Tilzer Aaron Hoffman (words)
Toby Claude (perf.)
perf15.jpg Holding Hands and You Don't Say Nothing at All (1906) Albert von Tilzer Jack Norworth (words)
Toby Claude (perf.)