Trumpet Works
Last updated: 02.09.24
CD(s) [Amazon: flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif ]
Label: Mastersound
Release Date: 1993-09-27
  1. The triumph of peace (symphony) / William Lawes --
  2. The triumph of the prince d'amour (symphony) / William Lawes --
  3. [from] Lord Hay's masque (Flora) / Thomas Campion --
  4. [from] The gypsies metamorphos'd / Robert Johnson --
  5. The devil's dance --
  6. The witches' second dance --
  7. The fairy masque / Robert Johnson --
  8. The goates masque --
  9. The bears' dance --
  10. The first witches' dance --
  11. The pages' masque --
  12. The satyrs' masque / Robert Johnson --
  13. The king's mistress --
  14. Wilson's love --
  15. Williams his love --
  16. Waters his love --
  17. Squire's masque. While dancing rests / Giovanni Coperario --
  18. Squire's masque. Come ashore / Giovanni Coperario --
  19. Cuperaree or Grayes Inne / Giovanni Coperario --
  20. The squire's masque / Giovanni Coperario [that is, anon.].