"O du eselhafter Peierl" is another example of where my musical interests cross. I first heard about it from
Dr. Rosteck when we decided to include a related piece
Freunde lasset uns beim Zechen in our song book
We're Only Here For The Beer! - Light sometime early in 2007. It was a pleasant surprise to find this arrangement at Robert C. Walshe's website. It was promptly downloaded in April 2010 to be played by the Alt-Aumund Blockflöten-Ensemble. Walshe's arrangement is for a D/T/T/T/B setting but with hardly much effort which we have lightly rearranged it to be played by two trebles for the 2nd and 3rd voices. The sheet music for free downloading comprises a
and the above midi.
Thanks a lot Mr Walshe!