London Recorder Orchestra
Last updated: 10.10.23
Conductor: Alistair Read
Location: London, England
The London Recorder Orchestra usually has 30-40 members but always welcomes new players. Prospective members should have a good standard of playing and sight-reading and be prepared to play any of the usual sizes of recorder (descant, treble, tenor or bass) as required. Players of larger instruments (great bass and contrabass recorders) are particularly welcome.
The orchestra normally rehearses from 10.30am - 1pm on the second Saturday of each month. Rehearsals are held at Macaulay School, Victoria Rise, Clapham, London SW4 and members are asked to pay a modest annual subscription of £40 (£17.50 students) to cover the hire of the hall.
We usually give a concert at the end of each season (June/July). The music we play covers a wide range of styles and includes both 'in house' arrangements and original compositions. Sometimes we invite other groups to perform in the concert - either on their own or with the orchestra. If you are interested in seeing us in action, you will be very welcome at our next concert!
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