Paul Schindler 
Last updated: 13.09.24
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 15 works by Paul Schindler. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located.
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Isle of Spice Selection 1901 Ben M. Jerome (co-author)
Alice Yorke (perf.)
arr: George Rosey
Oh! Fudge! 1901 Dan Daly (perf.)  wvicon.gif
Come to My Heart! 1903 Toby Lyons (perf.)
Father's Always Talking in His Sleep 1903 Ben M. Jerome (co-author)
Christine Hudson (perf.)
Goo-Goo Man, The 1903 Ben M. Jerome (co-author)
Allen Lowe (words)
Lillian Gorman (perf.)
Mercenary Mary 1903 Ben M. Jerome (co-author)
Christine Hudson (perf.)
Peggy Brady 1903 Maude Alice Kelley (perf.)
Take Me Home! 1903 Ben M. Jerome (co-author)
Allen Lowe (words)
Lillian Gorman (perf.)
Uncle Sam's Marines 1903 Ben M. Jerome (co-author)
Toby Lyons (perf.)
Isle of Spice Selection, The 1904 Ben M. Jerome (co-author)
Lillian Gorman (perf.)
Christine Hudson (perf.)
arr: George Rosey
Maid From Nicobar, The 1904 Allen Lowe (words)
Lillian Gorman (perf.)
Well How Can You Tell 'til You Try 1904 Fred Ranken (words)
Lillian Gorman (perf.)
Witches, The 1904 A.L Jansson (words)  Pub.
Cupid 1905
Same Old Sun Was Shining, The 1905