Mary Turner Salter 
Last updated: 14.08.23
     Title Attribution Instruments Source Remarks
pdf15.gif Boat Song (1920), A M.T. Salter (music)
Mary L. Ritter (words)
Piano, Voice Greer wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Chrysanthemum (1906), The M.T. Salter (music)
Abbie Farwell Brown (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Come to the Garden, Love (1904) M.T. Salter (w&m) Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Cry of Rachel (1905), The M.T. Salter (music)
Lizette Woodworth Reese (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif I Breathe Thy Name (1907) M.T. Salter (w&m) Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Just for To-Day (1910) M.T. Salter (music)
Samuel Wilberforce (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Lamp of Love (1907), The M.T. Salter (music)
Paracelsus (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Last Night, I Heard the Nightingale (1910) M.T. Salter (music)
Ethel Louise Cox (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Pine-Tree (1904), The M.T. Salter (w&m) Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif To a Moon-Flower (1907) M.T. Salter (w&m) Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 10 works by Mary Turner Salter. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: pdf15.gif (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Come to the Garden, Love (w&m) 1904 from "Songs of the Garden"  wvicon.gif
Pine-Tree, The (w&m) 1904 from "Songs of the Garden"  Pub.
Cry of Rachel, The 1905 Lizette Woodworth Reese (words)  Pub.
Chrysanthemum, The 1906 Abbie Farwell Brown (words)  Pub.
I Breathe Thy Name (w&m) 1907  Pub.
Lamp of Love, The 1907 Paracelsus (words)  Pub.
To a Moon-Flower (w&m) 1907  Pub.
Just for To-Day 1910 Samuel Wilberforce (words)  Pub.
Last Night, I Heard the Nightingale 1910 Ethel Louise Cox (words)  Pub.
Boat Song, A 1920 Mary L. Ritter (words)  wvicon.gif