Dick Robertson 
Last updated: 01.09.24
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 5 works by Dick Robertson. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located.
Title Year Attribution Remarks
At Least You Could Say Hello 1939 Charles J McCarthy (words)
Sammy Mysels (words)
We Three 1940 Nelson Cogane (words)
Sammy Mysels (words)
Ray Herbeck (perf.)
Good Night, Wherever You Are 1944 Al Hoffman (co-author)
Frank Weldon (co-author)
Joan Brooks (perf.)
Ginny Simms (perf.)
Little on the Lonely Side, A 1944 James Cavanaugh (co-author)
Frank Welda (co-author)
Joan Brooks (perf.)
Bill Cooper (perf.)
Skip Farrell (perf.)
Dick Foy (perf.)
Ray Herbeck (perf.)
Eddy Howard (perf.)
Henry Jerome (perf.)
Guy Lombardo (perf.)
Peggy Mann (perf.)
George Olsen (perf.)
Jimmy Palmer (perf.)
Billy Rogers (perf.)
Landt Trio (perf.)
Tommy Tucker (perf.)
Dearest Darling 1945 James Cavanaugh (words)
Frank Weldon (words)
Guy Lombardo (perf.)
Rosemarie Lombardo (perf.)