Lou Busch  (1910-1979)
Last updated: 12.05.24
p_buschl.jpgAccording to the Internet source given below, Louis Ferdinand Busch was an American record producer, musician and songwriter born in Louisville, Kentucky. He was best known for performing as a pianist under the nickname Joe "Fingers" Carr.
Perhaps his biggest successes were Ivory Rag (1950) , Portuguese Washerwoman and Sam's Song
He died in Camarillo, California.

url15.gif Lou Busch Biography by wikipedia.org.  
url15.gif  DAHR: Lou Busch List of 18 historic recordings from 1940 to 1963.
     Performer CD Title Supplier
Ragtime Music CDs:
cd15.gif Lincoln Mayorga Sophisticated Innocence CD(s) & MP3 Album(s) flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif
cd15.gif Bill Edwards Championship Old-Time Piano IV
cd15.gif Bill Edwards Syncopated Safari
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 21 works by Lou Busch (1910-1979). It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Fourth Man Rag 1950 Dick Hamilton (words)
Jill Leland (words)
Ivory Rag (w&m) 1950 Jack Elliott (co-author)
Louis Busch as Joe ''Fingers'' Carr (perf.)
Benny Strong (perf.)
 wvicon.gif youtube15.jpg
Fingers Medley 1950s
Two Dollar Rag 1950s
Waltz in Ragtime 1951
Boogie Woogie Rag 1952
Carr's Hop 1952  wvicon.gif
Finicky Fingers 1952  Pub.
Raggedy-Ann Rag 1952  Pub.
Rapscallion Rag 1952  Pub.
Rattlesnake Rag 1952 Eddie Hanson (co-author)  Pub.
Tin Pan Rag 1952  Pub.
Barky Roll Stomp 1955
Doo Wacky Rag 1956
Hook and Ladder Rag 1956
Picadilly Rag 1956
Hot Potatoes 1958
Looney Louie 1958
Baked Alaska 1959
Ironfingers Rag 1960 Alvino Rey (words)
Piano Picker Rag 1966
     Composer Title Performer
youtube15.jpg L. Busch Ivory Rag (2:29) Louis Busch as Joe ''Fingers'' Carr