Claude Arundale 
Last updated: 09.01.25
url15.gif  DAHR: Claude Arundale List of 4 historic recordings from 1918 to 1923.
  Title Co-Author(s) Sequencer
audiomidi15.gif Hats Off to the Stoker ( 1917) James Pitt-Payne
  Title (Release Year) Composer Performers Issue
recordmp3.gif Dreamland City, A (1923) C. Arundale Barbara Maurel Columbia: 80775
recordmp3.gif Night Nursery, The (1918) C. Arundale H. Burr Columbia: 77944
     Title Attribution Instruments Source Remarks
pdf15.gif Hats Off to the Stoker ( 1917) C. Arundale (w&m)
Charles Smythe (perf.)
Alex Whitson (perf.)
Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer wvicon.gif
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 3 works by Claude Arundale. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: pdf15.gif (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Hats Off to the Stoker (w&m) 1917 Charles Smythe (perf.)
Alex Whitson (perf.)
 wvicon.gif pdf15.gif 
Night Nursery, The 1918 Ethel B. Kelly (words)
Henry Burr (perf.)
Dreamland City, A 1923 Grace M. Woodley (words)
Barbara Maurel (perf.)