Michael Arne  (1740-1786)
Last updated: 03.12.24
url15.gif Michael Arne Biography by wikipedia.org.  
url15.gif  DAHR: Michael Arne List of 20 historic recordings from 1907 to 1935.
  Title (Release Year) Composer Performers Issue
  Historic Records      
recordmp3.gif Lass With the Delicate Air, The (1907) M. Arne Marcella Sembrich Victor: C-4857
recordmp3.gif Lass With the Delicate Air, The (1913) M. Arne Carolina White Columbia: 38838
recordmp3.gif Lass With the Delicate Air, The (1911) M. Arne Ellison Van Hoose Columbia: 30885
recordmp3.gif Lass With the Delicate Air, The (1915) M. Arne Corinne Rider-Kelsey Columbia: 37316
recordmp3.gif Lass With the Delicate Air, The (1917) M. Arne Adelaide Fischer Edison: 5704
recordmp3.gif Lass With the Delicate Air, The (1918) M. Arne Gertrude Hull Edison: 6373
recordmp3.gif Lass With the Delicate Air, The (1920) M. Arne Carsten Woll Edison: 7471
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 1 work by Michael Arne (1740-1786). It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located.
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Lass With the Delicate Air, The 1762 John Clare (words)
Adelaide Fischer (perf.)
Ellison Van Hoose (perf.)
Gertrude Hull (perf.)
Corinne Rider-Kelsey (perf.)
Marcella Sembrich (perf.)
Carolina White (perf.)
Carsten Woll (perf.)
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